In Italy, the scandal of the exorbitant number of blue cars with blue turn signals, cars going up and down, mainly for the seven Roman hills, available to politicians in charge, politicians ex officiated and many others in various capacities has been practically implemented, or almost.
Of course, because now the identifiable blue cars (whose number is still difficult to evaluate) have become the most anonymous gray cars, and so, voila, with a beautiful all-Italian retreat have remained, to many, still privileges to which they would probably not be entitled.
But at the bottom of a car, at our public / politician's, almost nobody refuses him
Stocks and blue cars. A blue or gray car does not deny anyone
But there is another "near privilege", a privilege almost because in some cases it is neither a privilege nor an advantage.
We speak of security stocks given to those who, in the indisputable judgment of the forces of order and prefectures, must be protected against dangers of all kinds.
Incontestable that even in this area we Italians are incomparable.
It is also true that a level of mafia crime like ours can not be claimed by any other European country, and so it is understandable to protect the magistrates, a little less understandable is the protection of politicians, journalists and entrepreneurs. 19659006] Stocks and blue cars. 600 escorts
600 are Italians escorted for various reasons, stocks involving about 3,000 men.
We are number one in Europe, followed by a France that, despite the terrorist threat, protects fewer than 200 people, from a Germany that supports 40 and a Britain to only 20, not even all members of the government.
If judicial protection is considered fair and sacrosanct, some question ordinary people when they see ex-minister Maria Elena Boschi or journalist Bruno Vespa escorted. As well as Alessandro Sallusti, director of the Giornale and two famous politicians like Mbadimo D'Alema and Franco Gasparri.
Impressive on the other hand to know that the chief of police Franco Gabrielli is without and that Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte wants to reduce it completely
Stocks and blue cars. The dignified behavior of Antonio Ingroia
Another example of a dignified attitude is that of the exhibition of Antonio Ingroia of Palermo, to whom the escort was removed, no doubt . Perhaps he could have pleaded.
The former prosecutor who led the Mafia negotiations and who now resides ten thousand kilometers from Italy said nothing and did not react to the statement / usual excuse of many: "I would like the police do not let me take it off, there are always worries". They took it from them and with respect and dignity they made it a reason.
Of course, prefectures and agencies try to avoid any real or potential risk, but the dignity of the escort must be inherent to the spirit and behavior of many of those who are declare public affairs champions. sacrifice little or nothing on the staff.
People with annuities, for example (those who remain), simply can not recover from this unfortunate virus that has tormented them for years.
And then people dream of making a call that would look more or less like this: "Force an escort of all kinds, give proof of responsible dignity and if you are, reasonably, convinced to have the same risks on your safety the many citizens who cross the street every day look at Facebook from their cell phone, ask the escort kidnapping.
You will win it freely, you will win the men who accompany you, you will perhaps put operations more coherent with their preparation, and finally it will gain the confidence of the country which will begin to believe that sometimes, even the politicians have jolts of dignity.
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