Demm, signed the agreement. "More hours and less money to save everyone" – Economy


Bologna, July 10, 2018 – Work More and Earn Less to Save All Jobs at Demm . Here is the bottleneck in which lies what was formerly the Fiat dell 'Appennino . Today, the meeting at Ministry of Economic Development served to write the future of the company in the two – year controlled administration found in the German holding company Certina . After the green light for the ministry, it will be necessary to wait for the workers who will vote for the agreement by referendum

The agreement provides for "the suspension by the workers of 50 euros gross per month, for a two-year period: The shift work program will be extended from 7:00 to 7:30, as provided for in the national contract, for a further two years, after which the current schedule will be reinstated. " So for 24 months the survivors of the old big factory in Porretta will work half an hour more per day and earn 50 euros less to save the place of 65 colleagues

In recent weeks the new property had made known that it would be made charge of only 125 employees out of a total of 190. To avoid, the Certina executives had said, the dismissals the only alternative was to cancel all the bargaining: the price of 1,400 euros a year , the superminimo of 200 euros a month, holiday breaks and permits in addition to the cancellation of the internal mortgage born in 1948. Negotiation with the unions found another point of balance .

"The workers did not return anything – continues Sacchetti -. They chose to make a sacrifice but we did not sell the rights. Solidarity prevailed and the will to leave no one behind. "In the eighties, the Demm had arrived to have more than 1,100 direct and induced employees.Then the long crisis led to a considerable reduction of staff. last phase, started in 2009, talks about the use of all possible social shock absorbers.Then, two and a half years ago, the phase of controlled administration has begun.The agreement that should be Signed today with the ministry will not allow anyone to leave his country.Outgoing workers would have two years of layoffs and as many Naspi before reaching their retirement. "This agreement deserves workers who have faced 36 months of hardship – says Marino Mazzini by Fim Cisl – It is obvious that this is a first step, Certina will have to demonstrate the ability to revive this business.This territory needs the 191 Demm jobs . "

Bonaccini: "We are at the turning point"

On the Demm "we are facing a turning point". The president of the region, Stefano Bonaccini, is satisfied with the understanding between the unions and the company. "This – emphasizes Bonaccini in a note – is an important step in the first place for the workers and the territory, after a long battle waged by unions and local institutions, in which, as a region, we pressed from the beginning to seek a new industrial subject, in addition to the necessary support for the workers and workers of Demm. "The continuity of production and the guarantee of jobs" were and remain vital objectives for a fundamental reality of our Apennines. "


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