Divorce, now the allowance must be calculated according to the standard of family life


If you face divorce carry the antennas. Yes, because as of today for the calculation of the family allowance in the case of the separation it must be taken into account that " the contribution to family life is the result of joint decisions of both spouses, free and responsible, which can also have a profound effect on the economic profile of each of them after the end of the conjugal union " Who says so? The Supreme Court of Cbadation

The novelties on divorce

Thus, a very recent sentence of "stoats" establishes, in fact , that "the purposes of the recognition of the allocation, it is necessary to use a composite criterion which, in light of the comparative evaluation of economic and heritage conditions puts particularly the l & # 39; emphasis on the contribution made by the applicant ex-spouse to the formation of the common and personal heritage, in relation to the duration of the marriage, the potential for future profit and the age of the right "

In essence, the decision of judges of the Supreme Court states that the parameter with which the allowance of maintenance must be calculated "is based on the constitutional principles of equal dignity and solidarity which permeate marriage even after the dissolution of the bond ". Indeed, "the allowance of divorce must be endowed with a function of well-being and, to the same extent, of compensation and equalization" . [ad_2]
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