What we must expect today from the vote on annuities


  What we must expect today from the Annuities Vote

Photo: Armando Dadi / AGF

House, Chamber of Deputies

Figures to approve Roberto Fico's resolution on the cut annuities are there. Also thanks to the abstention of Forza Italia and the favorable vote of the Democratic Party and one of the two representatives of FdI. On Thursday 12, therefore, the House Bureau will give the green light to the provision, despite the protests of former parliamentarians and the risk of a flood of appeals, even "ad personam," which raised more than A fear among the Northern League, with so much fibrillation in the 5 stars, then appeased by the guarantee of not directly removing the black and white of Matteo Salvini

"The cut of the privileges and annuities of the past was , is and remains one of my priorities, the League and the government, better is because politicians have nothing more and nothing less than all other Italian citizens, "says the vice-first Minister and owner of the Viminale.On the Lega estate had already guaranteed Luigi di Maio ("the League has given all the will to vote the annuity cut"), but certainly in the party of Via Bellerio in the last hours had spread some fear about the possible consequences of voting in favor, after the threat of former parliamentarians to act with some sort of clbad action against each of the members of the Bureau

will vote in favor of the Democratic Party, Forza italia should not oppose [19659007] At the point that lawyers have been consulted and Montecitorio has been guaranteed in recent weeks a legal "cover" against possible actions. Those who are directly affected by the cuts are ready for the battle, and today, former parliamentarian Giuseppe Gargani has appealed to Silvio Berlusconi, hoping "that it will help us stop an initiative. which would constitute an unprecedented constitutional pressure ". But Forza Italia should not be wrong: the three blue exponents who make up the Bureau will try, it is explained, to change the text (they have also submitted an amendment entirely substituting for the resolution of Fico), but will opt for the moment for the

The Democratic Party, which voted in favor of the majority forces, also introduced an amendment to address specific cases of former parliamentarians. As for the Brothers of Italy, Edmondo Cirielli, father of a proposal on annuities of 5 years ago, will try by all means to prevent you from making "a mistake" in approving the Fico resolution. But if each attempt is futile, it will eventually vote in favor.

"I certainly can not vote against my idea, even if it was badly copied by Fico." I will try to avoid making a mistake – explains Cirielli – but I can not vote against. "In short, by the hand, out of 18 members of the Bureau the resolution should go with the 9 majority votes (M5s more Lega, President Fico does not normally vote), which would add at least two more votes (Pd and Cirielli di FdI), and possibly also the vote of Alessandro Colucci (NcI) del Misto, who has presented some "moderate" amendments.

"A historical day", is the chorus

For the 5 stars, who cut the annuities made a flag, tomorrow will be a "historic day", is the chorus. But certainly not hide the disappointment for the braking impressed by the Senate, which not only has not yet made a decision on the issue, but has not even convened the President's hearing of the 39, INPS Boeri and has not yet received the opinion of the State Council.In a word, Palazzo Madama is on the high seas and it is not at all obvious that in the end – despite the steward of the Pentat, Bottici wishes that the agreement of the House be a stimulus – follow the line of Montecitorio. With the practical consequence of having two different regimes in both branches of Parliament. Which, explains the parliamentary majority, could open the highways to the calls. "In the meantime, we bring the resolution back home," says a 5-star source, "so we'll see". The resolution, if approved without amendments, will take effect from November 1 and will result in savings of about $ 40 million for the cash flow of the House, the estimate made by Fico, equal to 200 million for the entire legislature.

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