Meloni: "The crime of torture prevents agents from doing their job"


"We defend those who defend us: we have introduced two bills to increase the penalties for those who attack an official and to abolish torture which prevents officers from doing their job. side of the police! So on social media Giorgia Meloni announced the presentation of the bill on the crime of torture.

The reactions were not long in coming.This is precisely the pbadage in which the head of the Brothers of Italy indicated the crime of torture as a hindrance to the work of the agents: "So you think that the work of the agents is torturing the citizens?" recurring question. was invited to tell the family of Cucchi, Uva, Aldrovandi .. And to the G8 boys from Genoa

Meloni's tweet arrived shortly after the presentation of the two bills of Brethren. Italy [194590OnthisoccasionMeloniexplainedtheintentionoftheproposals:"WewanttodefendthosewhodefendussowehavepresentedtwopdlonetoincreasethepenaltiesforthosewhoattackapublicofficialandanofficialtoabolishthecrimeoftortureasconfiguredbytheleftwhichisonlyadeterrenttoordercompelsthemtodotheirjobWearealwaysonthesideofmenandwomeninuniformTheAntigoneAssociationdefiningtortureasacrimeagainsthumanity asked M5 to take a stand


In June 2017 the European Court of Human Rights established that Italian laws are insufficient to punish and thus prevent acts of torture committed by law enforcement, once condemning plus Italy for police violence the night of July 20 to 21, 2001 in the school Diaz on the edge of G8 of Genoa against several people. A July 2017 Parliament Italian finally approved the introduction of this crime but the UN Committee Against Torture criticized the law because It was judged "not in accordance with the United Nations Convention because it does not contain the reference to the author, who must be a public official, nor the purpose of the crime itself The debate over the absence of a rule on torture was exacerbated when Italy acknowledged its responsibility in violence against protesters of the G8 in Genoa in 2001, in barracks of Bolzaneto After an appeal to the European Court of Human Rights six of the victims must receive compensation from the state of 45 thousand euros each for physical and psychological harm suffered

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