Only 19 mln in the state by "Airbnb tax". Hundred: my proposal soon


The so-called "Airbnb" tax introduced by the Gentiloni government would have brought only 19 million euros into the state coffers. This is why the Minister of Agricultural Policy responsible for tourism, Gian Marco Centinaio, announces: "We must intervene as quickly as possible.We have already discussed with the offices, especially ours and theirs: the situation can not stay as it is, we work. " "One proposal – the minister continues – I want to do it soon, by September – October Also because it is a week that I am Minister of Tourism, I saw him for the first time as an operator My opinion is that those who come to Italy must pay taxes in Italy and especially that the issue Airbnb operates on must be regulated.You can not leave the Prairies, and not everyone do not do what they want. "

" For some time now, we have been asking to meet various representatives of the new government to present a hypothesis of reform of a law that, like today, c & rsquo; Is obvious, it does not work As the Autorité de la concurrence reminds us this morning in its annual report, the "Airbnb tax" is unsuitable for its purpose, harms competition and harms consumers " , replies Matteo Frigerio, Country Manager of Airbnb Italia

". our proposal, which takes into account the functioning of the platforms and is in line with the collaboration agreement we recently concluded with the Danish government, we protect the owners, allowing more revenue and transparency in a market affected by a few, but too many and confusing rules. We hope – concludes Frigerio – that we will soon be able to open a confrontational phase, break the current stalemate and return to the development of tourism in the country. "

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