Ecofin, Tria returns the accounts to Brussels. But in 2019, 30 billion are needed


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The Minister of the Economy and Finance, Giovanni Tria continues to be optimistic: "The maneuver ( corrective, ed. ]) will not be done ", at least in 2018, all the more so as the recovery slows down But the Ecofin, which today took part the owner of Via XX Settembre, does not seem willing to make cuts and to suggest to all member states to exploit "the current favorable economic moment to further strengthen the resilience of economies", formally recommends to Italy for the current year "a structural fiscal effort of at least 0.3% of GDP".

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<p>  Not only : <strong> in 2019, "given the debt / GDP above 60%" </strong> (<em> The Italian public debt at the end of May amounted to 2,327 billion, clearly greater than 130% GDP, according to figures from the Bank of Italy, nd </em>) "the nominal growth rate of primary net expenditures should not exceed 0.1%, in line with a structural adjustment of 0 , 6% of GDP ", <strong> twice as much as Tria should prepare by the end of the year </strong> The government, however, recalled <strong> that the Minister "Has already indicated that in 2018 will do nothing" and that "next year, it will not intervene to sacrifice growth." </strong></p>
<p>  Successfully <strong> the Pact of stability </strong> and <strong> therefore the recommendations of Ecofin </strong> is the "<strong><em>  mission impossible </em></strong>" of Tria, which obviously <strong> or hopes in a field of growth better than expected GDP </strong> or <strong> thinks of an extraordinary entry </strong> which according to Brussels should <strong> be used in a "cautious" way if one wants to reduce the debt-to-GDP ratio that subtracts "sufficient resources" Necessary to "cover the burdens "</strong> (<em> Interest on Debt, Ed. </em>), to the detriment of these expenses" to enhance growth in areas such as education, innovation and innovation. infrastructure "that in Tria they would be so dear king. In a nutshell: <strong> the intervention recommended by Ecofin raises to about 5.2 billion this year and to double next year </strong></p>
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<p>  If the government does not intervene in the <strong> Legge Finanziaria 2019 [19459007thefollowingyear<strong> it will be necessary to find more than 15 billion covers </strong> to which <strong> added the "safeguard" that the previous governments continued to postpone over time </strong> with the result that the year ahead or we will have to let the VAT increase or we will have to <strong> find resources for 12.4 billion plus 19.1 billion in 2020. </strong></p>
<p>  In the account must then be registered <strong> 2.6 billion euros of "non – transferable" expenditure </strong> (2 billion at the end of the year for the renewal of the state contract, 140 million to avoid the & de [[[[increaseinexcisedutyonfuelandother$500millionofvariousnon-transferableexpenditures)egovernmentdoesnotmovewith<strong> a reduction in spending </strong> or a <strong> tax increase </strong> and with the exception of striking results of super-bullying, suddenly new collapse of interest on debt public or totally unexpected acceleration of GDP, <strong> next year it will be necessary to find 30.6 billion </strong> plus 19.1 billion by 2020, for <strong> a total of more than 40 billion d & # 39; euros. </strong></p>
<p>  all, of course, <strong> without even baduming the launch of provisions such as the Uniform Tax </strong><strong>  modification of the reform Fornero </strong> and <strong> Income from Citizenship </strong> that <strong> Matteo Salvini </strong> and <strong> Luigi Di Maio </strong> continue to promise that they will be launched as much as possible but that they may cost a few tens of billions of others. On the other hand, any reduction (but not easily achievable) of annuities and "gold pensions" can in no way be considered as sufficient coverage of these needs. </p>
<p><em>  (More …) [19659013]</pre>
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