Farewell to ISF in the payroll


Farewell to the termination benefits. The measure – introduced experimentally in 2015 – has not been extended and, as of 1 July 2018, the obligation for employers to pay the severance pay as well as the salary to the workers who have applied for it has ceased.

As Inps wrote, indeed, "private sector employees, compared to pay periods from March 1, 2015 to June 30, 2018, were able to ask their respective employers, experimental. , to receive the accrued portion of severance pay (TFR) in paychecks ", but" as the legislature has not enacted any provisions to extend or reiterate the statutory provisions, employers will no longer be required to pay in their paychecks the accumulated portion of the TFR for employees who requested it.

The ISF in a pay system thus leaves the scene, to be honest, without major clamor. The Renzi government had introduced this opportunity to give a little oxygen to the low incomes, but the calculations of the former prime minister were wrong: three years after the introduction we can say that the ISF in the envelope the salary was essentially a flop, although – it must be emphasized – in recent months the number of those who asked for it increased.

According to Il Sole 24 Ore the peak of demands (just over 217 thousand) is it was recorded in February 2018. However, there is a very small number corresponding to about 1.3% of employees

What can be done with ISF if you change jobs

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