The Consip explains that the "Buoni Pasto ed. 7 "- Subdivided into 7 lots and badigned to 4 economic operators – is one of the conventions required by law for all public administrations that must use Consip. or regional reference centers. Since January 2018, indicates the subsidiary of the Treasury, many reports of non-compliance have been forwarded to Consip by user administrations because of the non-use of coupons issued by Qui! Group. As stated in the press release, many companies operating in the group affiliate network also reported that the company did not pay the meal voucher bills spent by public service employees.
Following these reports, Consip carried out systematic inspections by an independent body in the participating institutions (control of the ability to spend) and compliance with the commitments made at the time of the offer regarding the maximum percentage of commission and payment to merchants (merchant reimbursement verification). Both activities "failed for the supplier, – announces Consip – highlighting a number of non-compliances far exceeding the maximum allowed limit".
For this and despite a specific warning to the company, Consip "we saw forced to proceed to the resolution of the agreement" good meal plans and 7 "regarding Lot 1 (Piedmont, Liguria, Valle d'Or) Aosta, Lombardy) and lot 3 (Lazio), stipulated with Qui! Group SpA – for repeated, serious and significant non-compliance with contractual obligations. "
At this stage, individual administrations will be able to independently evaluate whether or not they must resolve, in their turn, the supply orders already issued and still active. Meal coupons are not automatically inseparable, employees who own them can always try to exhaust them. In the meantime, the administrations are likely to organize themselves to replace the supplier. They can either wait for the closure of Good Meal 8, scheduled for next December. Or try to buy – for small quantities – in the electronic market or on the dynamic purchasing system. Basically, it is likely that employees will not receive the vouchers for a while and that they will be entrusted to them once the supply problem is resolved. For more, here! was among the suppliers admitted to the new offer, but with reservation. It is likely that after this resolution, Consip decides to dissolve this reservation negatively.
- Arguments:
- Consip
- Luncheon Vouchers
- Who
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