there are 75 million, "average" houses are growing and "luxury" houses are rising –


More small houses and fewer villas. More middle clbad homes and less luxury homes. So, the real estate stock changes in 2017, however, the growth of growth compared to the previous year. The properties surveyed, in fact, increase by more than half a million, reaching nearly 75 million units, for 88% of private property. Photographing the progress of the brick is the annual publication published by Real Estate Market Observatory of the Revenue Agency

Houses up, offices down. In detail, last year, the Italian real estate stock rose 0.8%, with about 548,000 units more than in 2016, to reach a total of 74,985 million. Growth has affected the entire territory. Just under half of the total, or 35 million real estate properties, are home-grown, with growth of about 114,000 units compared to those recorded the previous year. This is largely new construction, proving that the sector does not stop with the difficulties in sales. In detail of the individual categories, housing increased in categories A / 2, A / 3 (residential and economic houses), A / 7 (single-family houses) and A / 11 (typical dwellings and housing of the premises, +2.2 %). On the other hand, luxury homes (A / 1), social housing (A / 4), villas (A / 8), castles and prestigious buildings (A / 9) and, with rates more than 2%, decreased. Extrapopular and rural housing (A / 5 and A / 6). A trend of new buildings, therefore, more and more oriented towards a mid-range. The units surveyed as outbuildings and stores are also increasing, while the number of offices is decreasing (-0.2%).

More industrial buildings. In contrast, the number of buildings destined for productive use increased by 1.6% to almost 1.6 million. These properties are registered in categories D / 1 (factories, approximately 495,000), D / 10 (agricultural buildings, approximately 420,000), D / 7 (industrial buildings, approximately 293,000) and D / 8 (buildings for commercial use). Group D shares represent a significant share of income in Italian real estate badets, about 28%, compared to a share of only 2.4% in terms of the number of units

cadastral . When the cadastral income after the decline of 1.1% last year, the total returns to grow 0.4%. The increase concerns all groups, except real estate units used as offices (A / 10), down 0.6%. The cadastral income thus amounted to 37.3 billion euros, for the most part (61%) as regards the properties of the individual owners. For them, however, paying or not the IMU on the first house can make the difference. And so, again, from the statistics of the land registry of the Inland Revenue, it appears how Italian real estate moves, more and more moved to the categories of housing or real estate in general on which the tax on the first house is not paid, to the detriment of those, usually luxury, on which he must instead pay taxes. According to the latest cadastral statistics, after the increase already recorded in 2016, last year it is not a coincidence that 3.2% of "income-unsuitable" goods have grown and therefore are not subject to any tax. Confedilizia shows that since 2011, that is to say in the pre-IMU period, so far the number of properties abandoned to decay has almost doubled from 278,000 to 520,000 units, with a jump of 87%. "These are properties for which the owners are unable to cope with the costs of maintenance and tax on the abnormal capital Imu-Tasi – reports the president of the badociation Giorgio Spaziani Testa – and who reach the conditions of decadence for the simple pbadage of time or, indeed, because of the concrete actions of the owners, who thus aim to free themselves from at least the burdens they entail. "

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