Formula SAE Italy. FCA: "We organized this event in Italy 15 years ago"


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Read more 2018
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Formula SAE Italy. FCA: "We first organized this event in Italy, 15 years ago" LifeGate

In fifteen years of Italian history, Formula SAE has changed a lot. This is confirmed Paolo Coeli Methods of Product Planning and Configuration Management FCA One of the first to believe in this formula and to make it grow over the years . "We started with only 8 cars in Balocco 15 years ago, we looked almost like masons," says Coeli, who has not only returned to Formula SAE as a design judge, but as director of operations. to young engineers .

Today, here in Varano, there are thousands of teams from all over the world, with a very high level of professionalism, both in the realization of the cars and in the know-how of the teams. . In the meantime, electric mobility has arrived, but above all, autonomous driving has debuted for the first time. "We were the first in Italy to include electricity, which is now an integral part of the official regulations," explains Coeli. "It was also natural to add driverless cars to the SAE Formula as an integral part of the future development of the car ." There is no doubt that the people who were able to do here, on the ground, the experience of building an autonomous car for us can represent valuable resources for the immediate future, "Coeli concludes.

We will make the guide independent and realistic

Also this year Fiat Chrysler Automobiles is the main sponsor of Formula SAE Italy under the mark Abarth . After the signing – last November – of a memorandum with Eni for joint development of research projects and technological applications for the reduction of CO2 emissions in transport, and after the recent announcements on the 39; progressive electrification of the brand Last May, FCA announced the extension of its collaboration in the United States with Waymo (one of the leading technology providers for autonomous driving, but also the only company to have a fleet of driverless vehicles on public roads). plans to supply thousands of Chrysler Pacifica Hybrid minivans to be integrated into Waymo's fleet of autonomous vehicles. "FCA is committed to making self-driving technologies accessible to its customers in a safe, efficient and realistic manner," [SergioMarchionne] . "Strategic collaborations like the one with Waymo will help foster the development of innovative technologies."

Formula SAE Italy 2018

On the Occasion of the Formula SAE Italy 2018 LifeGate is on the Autodromo Riccardo Paletti in Varano de Melegari, in the province of Parma. Students from 79 universities in 26 countries around the world take the track aboard the cars that they personally designed and badembled after months of hard work. Within their team, they have the opportunity to showcase their talent, their design skills and their entrepreneurial spirit. There are also electric prototypes and autonomous prototypes, examples of future mobility.

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