Albania: Theater case in Tirana, opposition shows documents on govenro's plans (2)


Albania: the case of the theater in Tirana, opposition shows documents on the plans of the govenro (2)

Tirana, 15 Jul 11:11 – (Agenzia Nova) – The current building of the National Theater, located in the heart of Tirana, was built in the thirties by the Italian fascists for the activities of dopolavoro; after the war, however, it became the most important stage of Albanian theater. According to the authorities, all the specialized studies would have agreed that the building might collapse. The government's proposal is to build a new building with private funds. The Albanian construction company Fusha has been proposed to carry out the works and, in exchange, to build in the same area buildings of 20 floors, on the basis of a project of a Belgian architect renamed. The opposition, however, challenges this project. According to democratic leader Lulzim Basha, "the only objective of the legislation is to get hold of public land in the center of Tirana to build six huge concrete buildings". It has nothing to do with art and it is a project that will not be realized for the theater. "(Alt)

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