President Erdogan also controls the Army Staff


On July 9, 2018 began the second term as President of Recep Tayyip Erdogan after the electoral victory on June 24.

Erdogan, leader of the Justice and Development Party (AKP) won 52 percent of the vote, while his main challenger, Social Democrat Muharrem Ince, halted by 30 percent

The new elections marked the transition from the parliamentary system to the presidential system, in accordance with a constitutional amendment approved by a referendum by year Last

The constitutional amendment allowed Erdogan, 64, to apply for two new five-year presidential terms. The strong man of Turkey has been in power since 2003, first as prime minister, then as president

Now the Erdogan government has issued a new decree that will allow to the head of state to control even the General Staff.

Through the newly approved reform, the armed forces pbad under the control of the Ministry of Defense, led by the former chief of staff of Ankara, Hulusi Akar

The The decree also provides for the creation of a supreme military council whose task is to decide on the appointments of the chiefs of the armed forces and the National Security Council, responsible for coordinating actions to fight against terrorism.

The approval of the reform coincides with the anniversary of the failed state-owned coup d'etat occurred on the night of July 15 to 16, 2016.

After the attempted coup d'etat, Erdogan imposed the state of emergency on the basis of Article 120 of the Turkish Constitution. [19] 659002] The provision may be introduced, in cases of widespread acts of violence aimed at the deconstruction of the democratic order, for a period not exceeding six months.

Since then, the state of emergency has been extended several times, the last one last March, but it was revoked on July 9th.

President Erdogan is increasingly centralizing the power of the state in his hands.

In addition to having taken control of the army, in fact, the president also has the power to dissolve the parliament, issue executive decrees and impose a new state of emergency.

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