Matteo Salvini takes time on appointments


There is a reason if at 18:00, the deadline for submitting the names of the "guarantee" commissions, in the list of the League, handed to the Senate offices, the names of its "members" for the vigilance commission . This is the movement. This could also lead to the scheduled vote on Wednesday. And postpone it, is the point, after the Parliament (still on Wednesday) will vote the new Rai board, where the majority has the numbers, as they say in jargon, for "make a coat"

There is still all day Tuesday to treat and 24 hours are an eternity in these cases: "We will ask a group leader – they know of Forza Italy – and we will go to a true clarification, because we can not accept that you vote the other committees of guarantee, Copasir and come to the authorizations, withdrawing the vigilance ". Because a rough agreement, on others, is there. On the body of control of the work of the secret services the name is that of Lorenzo Guerini. While the junta for permission of the House should go to the brothers of Italy

It is a move that de Salvini, say, on two levels. Regarding, first of all, his overall strategy on the round of appointments that redraws the balance of Italian power: "He wants to have a global vision – the sources explain in the negotiation – on the l & # 39; all appointments regarding Rai and Cdp that is not accidentally slitterà also on Wednesday, and do not proceed with the name after name or box after box, which is why the Rai number is open at the end ". This relationship, and this is the second level, is an integral part of the relationship that the majority, as a whole, has with Silvio Berlusconi, who is responsible for the oversight committee. The same sources continue: "The fact is that Forza Italia, if she wants the presidency of vigilance to give up a member of the board of directors of Rai, then there is the question of the name, because Maurizio Gasparri does not do not pbad".

Berlusconi's minister, father of the law that Ciampi referred to the Chambers, one of the main holders of the TV record of the Berlusconi era, is a complicated figure to digest by the Five Stars who have already said "do not support it". A bit like what is happening with Paolo Romani as Senate President. For the sake of heaven, it is unnatural that on the presidency of an opposition-owned guarantee board, the two majority say "yes, no". But the picture of the situation is this one, and looks so much (in logic and dynamic) to the remake of what has already been seen with the election of the presidency of the Senate, with Lega and Cinque Stelle favorable to another representative of Forza Italia who was not Romani, also in this case supported by a beautiful piece of blue nomenklatura. In this case, the name that meets the least obstacles is that of Alberto Barachini, former journalist of Mediaset and close badociate of Silvio Berlusconi. With the same "guarantees" for the Cavaliere (also of the Mediaset party) it is communicative "more durable", for the Five stars (and therefore less problematic to manage for the majority of gialloverde) because young, less badociated with the Berlusconi government and As then there is a whole section of Berlusconi's court which, for days, has mbaded the pride of the old chief against an ally who, at the moment of need, "never supports you", the inviting Transform this battle in an indispensable line of the Piave because "we can not make others choose what is good and what is not". The problem, realistically, are the numbers, insufficient in committee (adding Pd and Forza Italy) without a rough agreement with others.

Weighing the confusion of a polyphonic negotiation, with the voice of the company facing the former Minister, that of Berlusconi more open to other renewal solutions and research of an agreement, the lawyer Ghedini who wants to include in the package also the judges of Consulta and lay Csm who will vote in the week. In this context, Salvini took the time to wait for the concert of opinions to become a voice. Because this has repercussions: "If Forza Italia waives, on behalf of Supervision, the RAI advisor, it is an account, but if on the council it makes the agreement with the Democratic Party is something else ". In a somewhat brutal way: if there is a global agreement with Forza Italia and the Brothers of Italy, it is possible that the majority also elects four out of four. With Pd out (as he happens to the presidency of the Senate).

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