Snam, agreement signed for 66% of Desfa


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<p>  The European consortium consisting of Snam <span clbad= (60%), Enagas (20%) and Fluxys (20%) signed today the agreements with Hradf, Greek privatization company, and Hellenic Petroleum, for the acquisition of 66% of Desfa, the national operator of the natural gas infrastructure sector

The consortium had won the call from Offers privatization of Desfa on the basis of an offer of 535 million euros The contracts signed today arrive after the arrival in recent days of authorizations from the European Commission and of the Greek Court of Auditors

The completion of the operation, scheduled for the end of the year, it is subordinated, inter alia, to the completion of the reorganization In addition, Hradf and Hellenic Petroleum become direct shareholders of Desfa, currently owned by Depa, and unbundling scheme certification by the Greek regulator Rae.

The consortium has obtained a non-recourse loan for the acquisition duration of more than 10 years, corresponding to about 65% of the value of the company. The closing of the financing is expected in the coming weeks, following the finalization of the related documentation

"Snam is ready to work with its partners to accelerate the growth of Desfa and the development of the Greek infrastructure so that the country has a central role in building an increasingly integrated, safe and sustainable European energy system for the benefit of Greek and European consumers, "said Snam's CEO Marco Alverà

] a high pressure transmission network of about 1,500 km, as well as a regasification terminal at Revithoussa. Greece, an important hub for the diversification of supplies and the opening of new natural gas routes in Europe, still has potential for development as a gas hub in South East Europe.

With the support of Snam Enagas and Fluxys, the three European infrastructure companies most committed to the creation of the Energy Union, Desfa will be able to fully exploit its position in the Mediterranean. The consortium will also encourage innovative uses of natural gas in Greece to further contribute to the sustainable growth of the natural gas market, the country's economic development and the reduction of climate-changing emissions.

"Fluxys and its partners Snam and Enagas, intend to strengthen the gas infrastructure system of Greece in the coming years, fully realizing the potential of the country as a plate natural gas, thus facilitating the development of the internal market for Greek consumers, as well as other transit initiatives that will unlock new sources of gas for Europe, "explains Pascal De Buck, Director-General In addition, "our consortium will be able to transfer technical and operational capabilities to Desfa and develop new uses and new sources of gas, such as compressed natural gas for cars, LNG for heavy vehicles and ships and biomethane, drastically reduce emissions of harmful substances and greenhouse gases. "

In Piazza Affari, after the news Snam's title moves slightly above parity at € 3.66 (+0.05%).

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