Atac, a new shot of Rays: for the Anti-Corruption, the extension is "illegitimate"


Concordat of & # 39; Atac risk for the rejection of the Anti-Corruption Authority of the extension to 2021 of the contract granted by the Capitol to its commune, extension already challenged last May by the Antitrust Authority which judged it harmful to the competition

In a document revealed by Messaggero now also Raffaele Cantone's pool rejects the operation signaling "serious perplexities" and "serious doubts" about the extension also with respect to compliance with the rules governing contracts all the more as the levels at ATAC "have never aligned" with the agreed standards. "The words that the bankruptcy court must take into account," says the newspaper. The ANAC denounces "a multi-year administrative inactivity … that undermined all the principles underlying public procurement" with "obvious signs of economic and financial collapse of the company," which " are reflected since the acts of 2010, with the steady decline in standard levels of service delivery ". But above all, it is noted in the document, "despite the existence of control powers", Campidoglio did not "provide for a control similar to that exercised over its services or structures" . according to Anti-Corruption, "that effective controls over strategic decisions and individual management decisions have been limited in recent years to photograph the situation of corporate instability subsequently dealt with in September 2017 with recourse to the request for membership and the context extension of the service contract between Roma Capital and Atac "until 2021. The biennial extension requested by the M5 to avoid the bankruptcy of the agreement, already rejected by the Antitrust Authority because it was considered "unrelated to the pursuit of the general interest" could have been allowed only "pending the end of an appeal." offers, all the more so that there would be no stop to service that – he explained the civil court – he would still be guaranteed "until the takeover of another subject winning the offer ". In place of Campidoglio, the fight against corruption continues, there is no sign of "any preliminary activity attributable to the beginning" of a tender, even if the deadline up to the end of the year. in 2019, expiry date of the current mission, would be "sufficient to put in place what is required" by the EU rules.

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