Two fighters take off to intercept planes


This is the second episode in two days. Another morning of work for the Italian fighters, who got up in flight for another scrambling procedure. Yesterday, the Eurofighter intercepted an aircraft Airbus A320 from Easyjet that had momentarily lost its radio contacts. After checking that it was not in case of emergency, both fighters from Grosseto had returned to the base.

Today it has happened again. A pair of Air Force fighters, this time belonging to the 51st Swarm of Istrana, was lifted in flight as soon as the takeoff order was given. The target this time was a Boeing 737 aircraft from the Transavia company that traveled from Kos (Greece) to Amsterdam (Holland). In this case too, it was an interruption of Boeing's communications. Once the aircraft flanked, the Transavia area managed to re-establish radio contact with the control tower and, as the fighters returned to base, the Boeing continued on the pre-established route.

The procedure of scramble as explained The Eyes of War is "a military term with which one defines the immediate take-off of an interceptor fighter to identify an unknown aircraft – known as "bogey" – in a controlled national airspace ".

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