The NGO insists and returns to Libya: "We will do it as long as necessary"


Do not give up. On the contrary, they relaunch. And they leave for Libya or rather the slice of sea that separates Tripoli from Italy. There, as they have done until now, they will try to intercept boats loaded with immigrants to load them onto their ship. So who knows?

The Pro Arm Open Arms' "Open Arms" vessel returns, in fact, left the port of Mallorca around 5 pm today to make a route to the south of the Mediterranean. In the South Sea Nostrum, in all likelihood, will resume their operations in the region Sar (Search and Rescue) of Libyan Skill

With a message on Twitter, where you see a short video of their boat that Sailing, "Ong announced that the ship" is returning where lives do not make sense, and we will come back as many times as necessary while there are people who are at risk of dying. Meanwhile, however, comes the news that the Libyan Navy has rescued and reported in Libya 40 migrants, including a child.

The Open Arms had arrived in Mallorca, where he landed yesterday, after recovering a woman off Libya (Josefa) and the corpses of two migrants, including a child. After fierce polemics and accusations against Italy and Libya, the NGO decided to head to Spain because it no longer considers the Belpaese as a safe place to land. Arrived in the Iberian Peninsula, the founder Oscar Caps and the crew complained to the local prosecutor for failure to salvage addressed no to Italy, as originally thought, but (among others) to the commander of the patrol boat Libya which – according to them – would have gone to the sea Josefa

Of the Coast Guard of Tripoli, meanwhile, the answers reached the " slander " by the NGO : "It is illogical that a patrol save 165 migrants, leaving two women and a child adrift," wrote the Navy of Tripoli, who is now asking for a neutral investigation into the case.

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