Expenses Piedmont, sentenced to 11 months the leader of the Lega Molinari. A year and seven months to the former Cota governor


Two deputies from the Lega (the group leader in the House Riccardo Molinari and Paolo Tiramani ) and one of the Brothers of 39, Italy ( Augusta [19659002] Montaruli ) are among the 25 convicted of the Court of Appeal of Turin in the process on the 39 use of public funds to the council groups of Region of Piedmont during the term (2010-2014) in which the president was Roberto Cota also convicted. The court imposed a sentence of 11 months to Molinari who directs the parliamentary group of Carroccio to Montecitorio, one year and 5 months to Tiramani a year and 7 months to Montaruli while for the former governor, who in first instance in 2016 had been acquitted, a sentence of sentence to one year and 7 months of imprisonment was handed down. At the center of the process were the modalities with which the regional councilors of the time used the funds for the operation of the group to which they belonged. In first instance the acquittals had been of 15 . Molinari, in particular, was found guilty of peculato of 1,158 euros . The pg Giancarlo Avenati Bbadi had applied for a sentence of 2 years and 4 months. For Molinari, the jury also ordered the ban for 5 years of public office to suspend anyway for 12 months

"I will appeal to the Supreme Court because I am innocent ". Roberto Cota . "I am really sorry and I do not understand this sentence – he says – I was acquitted at first instance after two years of trial and I do not think the first-year judges were wrong".

It will be necessary to wait for the motivations of the judges of the court. However, during the trial, it appeared that in some cases, directors had to reimburse fees (like the restaurant) to two different places on the same day. These include Molinari, recently chosen as the group leader of the Northern League at Montecitorio, which in one case was simultaneously in 19459003 in Italy and 19459003 in Spain 19459004 in 19459004 in 1945. stayed in a hotel in Avila (expenditure of 120 euros), but from the monthly register of presences, on which were partially concentrated the investigations of Guardia di Finanza Castelletto Monferrato in the province of Alessandria .

Tiramani, who in addition to being deputy is also mayor of Borgosesia (in the province of Vercelli ), sought and obtained – inter alia – repayment of Expenses of the wife to Venice . [ad_2]
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