Ilva, Di Maio initiates the eventual cancellation of the price at ArcelorMittal


On the one hand dialogue with ArcelorMittal to evaluate the new proposal, on the other hand the beginning of the process for the eventual cancellation price . Luigi Di Maio continues on two tracks to come to the head of the question Ilva . At the end of a day marked by the revival of the Indo-Luxembourg group, the Minister of Economic Development announced that following the internal audits on the Ilva file and the Notice provided by ] ANAC there are conditions to commence an administrative proceeding aiming at the eventual cancellation in of self-defense of the decree of June 5, 2017 for the allocation of the call for tenders. "It is a procedure governed by law that will last 30 days – said the Deputy Prime Minister – an act of verifying the facts as a result of important criticism emerged In any case – concluded the minister – tomorrow I will meet the summits of ArcelorMittal to continue the debate on the update of their proposal ".

This last improved for by Ilva and arrived the day when the rival Jindal Steel West definitively acquired the steelworks of Piombino thus consolidating his presence in Italy if on a less important site of Taranto . For ArcelorMittal, the conclusion of the acquisition agreement is not yet certain. "We will consider the proposal and will soon be called Unions ," said Di Maio, commenting on the new offer in which ArcelorMittal said it "accepted" all substantial demands for commitments. additional "made by Commissioners Overtime . The definitive text arrived after days of close discussions with the commissioners Enrico Laghi Piero Gnudi and Corrado Carrubba in turn in close contact with the Minister's Cabinet. "ArcelorMittal is confident that these additional commitments will highlight the government and other national and local stakeholders stakeholders concerned with their full commitment to the responsible management of Ilva," reads in the note published after 19459004. of the plan

No. detail was officially published, neither on the environmental nor on the professional level. ArcelorMittal however declared " confident that with the support of the government, it will now be possible to finalize the agreement with the unions in the coming days in order to be able to complete the operation quickly ". The words "zero dismissal", or other equivalents, do not appear in disclosed and also do not appear in the proposal which, according to what stands out, focuses primarily on improvements to the environmental plan. In terms of employment, ArcelorMittal is limited to " support " as an "appropriate solution" for all current employees of Ilva at the end of the plan. Business (2024). This "appropriate solution" will have to be identified during the negotiation with the unions .

Meanwhile, the unions are preparing for the comparison that will not tarallucci and wine: "We note that Arcelor Mittal has accepted all requests for further commitment. It becomes indispensable at this stage, before the judgment of the government to know the proposals formulated by Mittal, "said Secretary General of the Uilm, Rocco Palombella . What the union feared is to be "once again with the former government" in the face of bilateral agreements between the commissioner and the company. "We especially want an employment solution for all 14 thousand workers " reiterated Palombella, who then added: "No dismissal, we told Minister Calenda, no dismissals confirm to Minister Di Maio ". Di Maio, for its part, has reported that the investigation on the call for tenders for the sale of Ilva that he launched after the "Critics" detected by the anti-corruption authority will go "together" to procedure for the sale of Ilva. "Stop joking with the fire," said former deputy minister and now Senator Teresa Bellanova. But the vice-premier's evening movement confirms the government's hard line .

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