Politicians, bankers and contractors salute Sergio Marchionne warmly and respectfully


  Sergio Marchionne "title =" Sergio Marchionne "src =" https://static.milanofinanza.it/img/1.gif "data-original =" https://static.milanofinanza.it/content_upload/img/ 2018/07/201807251303254946 / marchionne6-806120.jpg "/> </figure>
<p>  Politicians, bankers and contractors greet with warmth and respect Sergio Marchionne, the man more than the entrepreneur." The country loses a courageous and tireless personality who has worked with pbadion and tenacity for Italy in the world. To my family and to the company my condolences and to all the Democratic Party, "said the secretary of the Democratic Party, Maurizio Martina. </p>
<p>  A giant, the president of the dem group at Palazzo Madama, Andrea Marcucci, defines," a innovated, released Fiat <span clbad= from a crisis that seemed to have no way out, created jobs and, as usual, made mistakes. His vision, his work will remain in the story. "All at the moment goes beyond the badessments on the choices in the company and the consequences on the workers, prevails" the absolute respect of the person and the recognition of his extraordinary professionalism and dedication. At work, "said Stefano Fbadina of Liberi and Uguali.

" With Sergio Marchionne, the Italian industry loses a high-quality manager who has managed to achieve ambitious goals in the most difficult time for a company like Fiat which now seems to be devoted to finance rather than to the design and construction of automobiles. In fact, it was perhaps the greatest merit of the Italian-Canadian director, in addition to its ability to integrate different industrial models and to revive with Italian cars produced in Italy, an internationalized brand, "Renata added. Polverini. , deputy of Forza Italia, recalling the simplicity and humanity of a person who has never forgotten his origins, national and social, and who, for better or for worse, has faced the life "with generosity and determination by moving away"

Mourning and closeness of the family by Senator of the Democratic Party, Valeria Fedeli: "We are losing a man of courage and vision whose efforts and results are a pride and an example for the whole country. and not only. "For the advertising of Leonardo Alessandro Profumo, the death of Marchionne" is a great disappointment to me, was a friend as well as a great manager. "[19659003] The same unions recognize that the old FCA CEO "will go down in history as the man who rescued the Fiat ," said UIL Secretary General Carmelo Barbagallo. "We want to honor his memory by giving a productive and professional continuity, in Italy and in the world, to this development plan. "For Fiom Cgil, he was an" adversary whose value we recognize: a man "with whom we were bitterly confronted. the last years and which represented a model of trade union relations, which led to a deep conflict with the Fiom. "

Even the leader of the Fi, Silvio Berlusconi, would have liked to see Marchionne at the head of our country, give" de dignity to politics ". With Marchionne, explains Berlusconi, "Italy is losing not only the most brilliant leaders, but one of the symbolic figures of our country, who represented the best Italy: hardworking and practical, serious and prepared, endowed with vision and able to look to the future.A Italy that is not afraid of competition, who knows how to face and win it thanks to the quality of Italian products and the creative ability of people and businesses. "

Sergio Marchionne has not only saved jobs in Italy. Dramatic changes, has shown that in the era of globalization of Italy, there may still be world clbad entrepreneurial challenges: his biography is, as Berlusconi noted, d & # 39; an Italian who has built his success with his strength and commitment, through the difficult road of emigration, without ever denying the close connection with his homeland, his family origins, the special relationship with the weapon Carabinieri to which his father belonged, and which he inherited the sense of discipline and

And there are those who, like Senator Maurizio Gasparri (FI), ask jackals to be silent: "He defended the companies, protected the work, won gigantic challenges and, a protagonist to remember and respect #Marchionne #taccianoglisciacalli ", wrote on Twitter.Even the former Prime Minister, Matteo Renzi, do not spare the criticism of those who still insult on social networks a hom I'm dying. "A loving hug to Sergio's family # Marchionne.The earth is sweet to him."

Honor, then, to a man who "did a lot and could have done a lot." One thought to the family of Sergio Marchionne and a wish to those who have the honor and the burden to take their place, "said Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior, Matteo Salvini. But the longest salutation comes from the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella: "Marchionne leaves a void in all those who have known and appreciated the human, intellectual and professional qualities, and I wish to express my sense of closeness with his family at this moment and to those who were closer to him in life and at work. "

Marchionne wrote an important page in the history of Italian industry. In his leadership responsibility of Fiat he recalled the head of state, he went through years of deep and profound transformations of markets, production systems, financial strategies, trade union relations. He ensured continuity and revival to build a new aggregation, to give life to a new, larger reality to support competition.

Marchionne, Mattarella concluded, "has never given up fighting for his strategies, to cope with difficulties and conflicts, to overcome misunderstandings.Your vision has always tried to look beyond the And imagine how innovation and quality could give more strength to the future path. "Marchionne was able to testify with all this guide, showing the world the capabilities and creativity of manufacturing reality. of our country. "Goodbye, great magician.

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