The cover of Famiglia Cristiana: "Vade retro Salvini". And he: "I am not Satan"


A hand that raises towards the face of a misled interior minister; below, the title: "Vade retro Salvini". This is the cover of the next issue of Famiglia Cristiana, tomorrow on newsstands. "Nothing personal or ideological," says the weekly, "it's about the Gospel".

Famiglia Cristiana

After another tragedy of migrants dead at sea (the victims, the weekly reminders, are already 1490 from January 1 to July 18), Famiglia Cristiana takes stock of the commitment of the Italian Church, "against some scornful tones and"

The Minister of the Interior replied, "I do not think I deserve to be compared to Satan, it's a very bad taste … I do not pretend to teach anyone, I am the last of the good Christians, but not I think I deserve so much. " Thus, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior, Matteo Salvini, comments on the cover of a Senate hearing the cover of Famiglia Cristiana. Salvini explains that "he has the daily support of many women and men of the Church" and reports that "even the catechism says that we must accept as much as possible"

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