Syria, Isis makes 246 dead in simultaneous attacks in the south – Middle East


There were at least 246 deaths, including at least 135 civilians and 111 members of self-defense militias, the record of the series of simultaneous attacks launched yesterday by the Islamic State in the city of Sweida, in southern Syria and in some surrounding villages, according to the Syrian Observatory of Human Rights (Ondus) of the opposition, well informed.

The official government media has rather attested the figure of 216 dead. About 150 people are injured in the Damascus budget and funerals are underway.

During attacks on villages in Sweida province, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (ONDUS) claims that ISIS terrorists have taken hostages among civilians, whose fate is unknown. This is one of the most bloody attacks ever perpetrated by ISIS in Syria, a country where the creation of Caliph Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was born more than four years ago. a rebel coast of al-Qaeda

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