Toninelli signs the decadence Cda FS: "Close with the past"


"I just signed the decadence of the entire FS chart to close on the past." The announcement was made by the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, Danilo Toninelli, on Facebook. "We are the government of change," reads in the post, "and we think that there is no industrial activity, especially if it is produced in the service of citizens, it does not have any ethical implication. Now the bar is moving on regional trains and commuters in terms of safety and quality of their movements. And in all of this, "iron care" has a fundamental role. The minister sent a letter requesting an "urgent summoning of the shareholders' meeting for the renewal of the board of directors" before July 31. According to some ministry sources, however, the decision to cancel the board of directors of the FS "would not be due to the desire to occupy seats, but that is the council that has forced, with his positions, the government to

Fs-Anas: "No reason to keep them together"

Minister Toninelli, speaking of the operation Fs Anas, added: "I think the decision is taken: we still have some scientific data, some study by the technicians, but there is no reason to keep them together. "

A wasting verminaio

" I entered this ministry and I confess that on many infrastructures I found myself a verminaio of waste, of corruptive connivance, controlled calls for tenders, variations under construction which have exploded the costs over the years.C & # 39; That is why we have begun a serious review of the design of these infrastructures. what we can not do without a rigorous cost-benefit badysis. And also on Turin-Lyon, as we have always said, it will be the environmental, social and economic impacts that will tell us whether or not it makes sense to continue a badly born job. Toninelli writes it in a post on the M5S blog. "Going back to the government contract means completely rediscussing the infrastructure in accordance with the agreement with France, without ideological prejudices, but without the blackmail which rains on our head and which results from the scandalous previous choices", underlines The Minister. "When I study files like that of Tav Turin-Lyon, I can only feel anger and disgust at how the money of Italian citizens has been wasted. 39, public money has been huge to favor the usual potentates, some politico-economic cliques and even organized crime. "


" If you do not already know, I tell you that the international part of Turin- Lyon should in theory cost a total of 9.6 billion euros, divided between the European Union at 40%, Italy at 35% and France at 25%. Something, to be honest , we were trying to save, but already in 2007 there were important economists and research centers that included a final expenditure of 17 to 20 billion euros.Then certified by the French Court of Auditors which, in August 2012, reported the colossal figure of 26.1 billion, citing the latest estimates of the Tr "As a result of the first agreements, the cost of labor was particularly heavy for our country, although only 12.5 kilometers of the 57.5 km of the Mont Cenis base tunnel insisted on Italy. One of the most outrageous aspects is there: our leaders of the time, we are talking about the first two millennia, have decided to badume the bulk of the expenses to convince France, which was just reluctant In addition, over the last twenty years, the exchange of goods between Italy and France have steadily decreased, "recalls the Minister again

July 25, 2018 | 15:46


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