"It must have been a simple operation, but the worst happened"


He has always chosen confidentiality, and even his farewell will be discreet. Sergio Marchionne will be hosted by a strictly private ceremony whose details are unknown. His body will probably be cremated, but we do not know when or when. According to La Stampa it is likely that the funeral of the CEO of Fiat Chrysler Automobiles will take place in America or Canada perhaps in Toronto, where the mother is buried. But it is not excluded that it should be held in Chieti, where the director was born 66 years old

The cause of death is not even known precisely. On June 28 he had been admitted to Zurich to Universitäts Hospital the University Hospital, to undergo surgery on the right shoulder. Perhaps it was the removal of a sarcoma. But Marchionne was confident that it was a quick convalescence: he had made an appointment for when he left the hospital. On the contrary, it is precisely in the recovery phase that a sudden complication, an infection compromised healing and weakened this already tested body. Antibiotics are not served: Marchionne has been admitted to intensive care. Friday the situation collapsed: after a new attack, she found herself in irreversible coma to die a few days later.

It seems, therefore, that the hypothesis of lung cancer has been denied. With Marchionne, there was the girlfriend Manuela Battezzato and the two sons of the first marriage, Alessio and Tyler, who live in Canada. Both, just as his father always did, have kept the maximum discretion on what was going on

To tell the last days of Marchionne, it's pretty handsome -father Pier Luigi Battezzato ] the father of the companion, who Corriere della Sera explained: "Sergio was supposed to be a simple intervention. But the worst happened. I spoke with Sergio just before he was operated on and he was silent. He had even organized a meeting that should have been held these days. Then we organized the holidays, there was a project to gather the whole family. "

He remembers him as a man who had arrived at the clinic" already physically tried, "and of which" we could write a book. You can not reduce everything in a few words. He did extraordinary things, but was a simple person . There was nothing mundane about him. His life was all work and family ". A year ago, he also quit smoking, and his health seemed to improve.

His daughter Manuela, during hospitalization, "never left the clinic: they loved each other. They had chosen to go to Zurich because". they would have had more privacy there . But the privacy that they wanted was not there. "

John Elkann, president of the Exor holding company and the same FCA, plans to organize a ceremony for Marchionne late August Sanctuary of the Consolata Turin (a function will also be held in Detroit in September). Elkann remembers him as a manager, but also as a valuable man: "Unfortunately, what we feared happened … Sergio, the man and the friend, left .. I think the best way to honor his memory is to cherish the example that he has left us, to cultivate the values ​​of humanity, of responsibility and openness of which he has always been the most convinced promoter.My family and I will always be grateful for what he has done and we are close to Manuela and his sons Alessio and Tyler.I renew the invitation to respect life deprived of Sergio's family. "


Farewell to Sergio Marchionne, philosopher director who taught us to think differently


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Manu ela, the discreet companion next to Sergio Marchionne


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