Roma protest against the evacuation of the river Camping


At the beginning of the Tenuta Piccirilli, in the north quadrant of the capital, as of this morning, the expulsion of Camping River is underway. Until now, the operations were carried out without any particular problems, but there were no protests (see photos)

After being expelled, the Roma brought mattresses, strollers and refrigerators (watch the video). On the door of the River Village appeared the banner " Virginia Raggi leaves our families alone". Some occupants of the camp reported the use of pepper spray by the agents.

"This morning they kicked us in. There was violence, they got their hands on women with flare-ups and used pepper spray on a lady, I think, somebody. one left voluntarily, someone fainted, women shouted, someone accepted the city's proposals " says a 31-year-old resident of the camp.

"We intervened in a very coherent way, all the groups of Rome took part in this operation, everything happened with the greatest regularity, people were invited to go out and to report obvious grievances – a boy has also threatened a colleague physically, has been identified and we are going to report him – we have not used any form of physical restraint In legal technical jargon this means that we do not have to do anything. We did not use handcuffs, we did not kidnap people with force, used pepper spray or guns or sticks, which among other things we did not have. the strength of conviction to go out, what people did ", said the local police commander, Antonio Di Maggio, at the end of the expulsion." No violence. Are we joking? – I'm suspicious of anyone who writes these things, j e querelo ".

For the moment families have camped out of slums with mattresses, strollers and suitcases, and here in front of the river gates will probably spend the night. There are many children, some newborns. "Now all things are brought to us by the rays under the Capitol," an old woman tells us, pushing a basket filled with her personal belongings. Tiberina. "They said that they would come on the 27th and that instead they gave us only half an hour to get ready to leave the containers," says a boy

If l & rsquo; Alternative of the city will not be considered satisfactory by the nomads the former occupants of the river are ready to demonstrate under the Capitol in the afternoon of today, up to Now the solutions proposed by the junta have not convinced them. "A lady with a girl who was robbed this morning badigned housing in the San Camillo reception center came back here on foot because there were plenty of poisons and immigrants," says another boy.

The sources of Campidoglio reveal to that they are 43 families who have agreed to move to the different housing proposed by the municipality, while 15 others are on the verge of Be repatriated to Romania. The purpose of the junta Raggi is to convince everyone to abandon the garrison as soon as possible, but a deadline has not yet been set. The Roma could therefore stay a few days in Via Piccirilli, guarded by police patrols .

The first city was very satisfied. "From today, Camping River farm" the mayor writes in a long post on Facebook "From other households, after those who have already accepted these past months, are now moving to the Roma Capitale's home facilities: we continue to provide solutions that allow families to stay together more and more people are asking our operators for information about the measures to be taken. and it is unacceptable, he adds, to continue to finance places like this one where ghettoisation is favored and, above all, where living conditions do not exist. do not protect the rights of children, women and men ". "A" third way "based on the inclusion and respect of legality, the protection of rights and respect for homework is possible, as evidenced by the first voluntary returns badisted in Romania that we have organized. testimonials from families who have already returned home that we are on the right track ", explains the Rays. "

We put an end to a system that has marginalized people for decades, created inconvenience to citizens and squandered hundreds of millions of euros that could have been invested in the past – he concludes – we unite firmness and inclusiveness, without falling back on the extremist positions of those who offer ideological badistance without rules or who would like to close the camps without proposing alternatives. Deputy Prime Minister Luigi Di Maio for his part, defends the work of the Rays: "We have heard the local police who deny any form of punishment. confrontation. It is a peaceful expulsion and I consider it legitimate. "

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