Pakistan's former cricket star Imram Khan wins the election. The man of change who has relations with the army


It is the party of the former cricket star Imram Khan, nemesis of corruption but with ambiguous relations with the military establishment to obtain the majority in the elections of Pakistan . The conservator of Pti who introduces himself as " the man of change" and "cleansing" succeeds in undermining after a decade the Muslim League – guided by Shehbaz Sharif brother of the former Prime Minister Nawaz . After 22 years of political activity, today Khan announced his victory on national television, calling it "historic" because it will allow him to "change the destiny of this country". In this round of parliamentary elections, voters were asked to choose between 30 parties and more than 12,000 candidates, but the real competition was between the PTI, the Muslim League Plm-N and the Pakistan People's Party (Ppp). ), the son of Benazir Bhutto the former popular prime minister killed in a kamikaze attack in 2007.

The 19459004 fight against corruption and the perspective of a "new" Pakistan are the points that guided the campaign of PTI and that it seized the young voter at the polls: in Pakistan, it is estimated that out of 200 million citizens, 64% have under 30 years old. According to the data – reported on 'Ansa – Khan's party has 120 seats out of 272 of which is composed the National Assembly of Islamabad : the majority of seats, but not absolute. To be elected prime minister, Khan must find the support of an independent MP. An election result difficult to accept especially for the Muslim League: Sharif promptly accused the winner of the 1996 World Cup of having benefited from his ties with the army to win.

a caste that alternated with civil governments in the country's history and these accusations are linked to a particularly bloody campaign . The last episode dates back to election day, at Quetta's headquarters where a suicide bomber blew himself up and killed 31 people – an attack later claimed by Isis . But it is estimated that throughout the election period, there are 200 deaths caused by violent and disorderly incidents. Sharif also accuses him of orchestrating the ousting of the power of Nawaz Sharif who had already been deposed by the 1999 military coup, with a conviction for corruption. Imran Khan criticized the violence jihadist but his party donated $ 3 million last year to the madrbada (Muslim religious school) group Haqqani considered contiguous and even precursor of the Taliban.

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