Polls, Movimento 5 Stelle first party at 31%, League at 29. Pd at 17.5% and Forza Italia under 10


The Movimento 5 Stelle recovers points on the ally of the government and reconfirms the first political force of the country: from the investigation conducted at the end of July Istituto Demopolis shows that if you go to vote now the pentastellati would get the 31% of the consensus while the Lega would stop at 29 % . After the rapid rise began with the feat of March 4 and the surpbading of the 5-star allies, the Carroccio led by the Minister of the Interior Matteo Salvini begins to lose consensus . To give a greater visibility to the leader M5s Luigi Di Maio are probably the abolition of annuities and the measures of the decree Dignity on the world of work , which act as a counter to the protagonism of Vice President Salvini on the issue of migrants

Regarding the other parts, Pd would rise to 17.5% and Forza Italia at 9, 5% . On the other hand Brothers of Italy and Liberi and Equuali respectively at 3.5% and 2.6% . "According to data taken before the summer holidays – explains the director of Demopolis Pietro Vento – with the oppositions in trouble, the two parties that gave birth to the government Conte, M5S and Lega, won the vote of 6 Italians out of 10 ". The survey was conducted on July 24 and 25, 2018 on a stratified sample of 1,200 respondents, representative of the Italian adult population, and the results were published in various newspapers, such as Il Tirreno Messaggero Veneto and Il Giornale di Sicilia .


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