in 5 years 125 complaints


  The center of Tornillo, Texas (Lapresse)

The center of Tornillo, Texas (Lapresse)

At least 125 cases of badual abuse have been reported in the past five years in centers where are accommodated migrant minors. According to a survey conducted by Propublica, an investigative journalism badociation

using the Freedom of Information Act, ProPublica obtained documents relating to 70 of the 100 or so centers run by the Office for Refugees. depends on the health department. Documents that also refer to the years of administration
Obama, as of 2014. These centers have been in the center of attention of the American press since, in recent months, they began to fill no only the minors who arrived alone at the border, but also children and even newborns, who were brought to the parents by the border police in application of the "zero tolerance" policy adopted by the border police. Trump administration that provides for the arrest of anyone attempting to enter the United States without documents.

The nonprofit investigative journalism badociation claims to have also acquired documentary evidence of mistreatment and
missing children.

  Ansa "title =" Ansa


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