Abuse, the pope accepts the resignation of McCarrick: he is no longer a cardinal


After allegations of juvenile abuse, Cardinal Theodore McCarrick presented the Pope with the renunciation as a member of the College of Cardinals . Francis accepted the resignation of the archbishop emeritus of Washington who is no longer a cardinal.

It is the Vatican press service to report it with a brief note explaining that McCarrick's letter of surrender reached the pontiff last night .

"Pope Francis – reads the statement – accepted his resignation as a cardinal and ordered his suspension from the exercise of any public prosecutor's office, as well as the obligation to remain in a house which will be indicated, for a life of prayer and penance until the accusations brought to him are clarified by the regular canonical process. "

On June 20, the Cardinal had been dismissed from the public prosecutor's office after being accused of raping a teenager 45 years ago while he was a priest in New York.
where in 1977 he became auxiliary bishop. Archbishop of Newark from 1986 to 2000, date on which he was chosen to lead the diocese of the American federal capital by John Paul II who created him cardinal the following year. McCarrick was already the center of accusations and controversies, almost always dormant, of being involved in bad with adults.

Some sources consulted by Vatican Insider reveal that many in the diocese of Newark were aware of certain inappropriate behaviors of the cardinal, especially towards young seminarians who l. accompanied during his travels to the United States or Europe. It also appears that McCarrick, on some occasions, reportedly made explicit requests for badual services to boys some family members who used to frequent him to the point of calling him "Uncle Ted. "

The same Cardinal Joseph Tobin now archbishop of Newark in the June note published on the diocese's website announcing the suspension of McCarrick, declared that: " In the past, there was allegations that he was involved in badual relations with adults . This archdiocese and Diocese of Metuchen received three charges of badual misconduct with adults decades ago; two of these charges led to repairs .

On the contrary the Archbishop of New York, Cardinal Timothy Dolan baderted on the same occasion that the charge of June's abuse against the cardinal had been " the first report of a violation of the Charter for the Protection of Children and Youth never brought against him which the archdiocese knows ". The results of the investigation were provided to the Arcidiocesan Review Board, a group of law enforcement professionals, law enforcement experts, parents, psychologists, and other professionals. a priest and a religious: the whole committee considered "credible and well-founded statements".

For his part McCarrick always declared his innocence claiming that he did not remember the abuses of which he was accused because it would have occurred almost half a century ago, but ] ready to collaborate with the investigations and to accept "with obedience" the decision of the Holy See to no longer exercise any public ministry. After a month of strong controversy, especially in the American media, the cardinal decided to give up his role at the College of Cardinals, where he belonged to the group of non-electoral cardinals in case of Conclave.

A note signed by Boston Cardinal Sean O. Malley on McCarrick a few days ago
in which the President of the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors, a close badociate of the Pope as a member of the C9, baderted that, given the case of Archbishop Emeritus of Washington, "the excuses are not enough", urgently, identify clear and definite procedures regarding charges of badual abuse against bishops and the cardinals.

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