Indonesia, 560 hikers stranded on the Lombok volcano


  Indonesia, 560 hikers stranded on the Lombok volcano

More than 500 climbers and their guides were blocked by a landslide on the active volcano of the Indonesian island of Lombok, 24 hours after the mighty earthquake that shook the region. "There are still 560 people trapped, five hundred are in the region of Segara Anakan and 60 in Batu Ceper," said local authorities. Among the stranded people there would be citizens of the United States, France, the Netherlands, Thailand and Germany

None of the tourists would be hurt, and "with regard to the food they can survive for one or two days, "said Agus Hendra Sanjaya, spokesman for Mataram's search and rescue agency. At least 16 people were killed in the earthquake in Lombok, while hundreds of buildings were destroyed

Tons of rocks and mud fell from the mountain after the 6.4 magnitude shock that struck the island Sunday. dozens of replicas, leaving hikers without escape paths

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