mother sentenced to 30 years


Thirty years in prison for Kimberley Martines the young woman who in 2016 killed the daughter of only 17 months . A terrible murder at the base of which there would have been a crazy motivation. The mother of the little victim, prey to depression, would have liked to attract the attention of her husband and, consequently, decided to do it in the most extreme way by killing her. 39; child. Kimberley's way of ending her daughter's life is disconcerting; the child would have died after forcing large amounts of salt .

An atrocious death, caused by salt

It was the month two years ago, when the child was transported to the hospital, to the medical center of Spartanburg [19659004] in South Carolina, under the influence of high fever and violent convulsions.

Clinical badyzes revealed a very high level of salt in the blood, due to the narrowing of blood vessels . The examinations also showed the presence of fluids in the lungs and severe lesions kidneys . The child was already in desperate conditions and could not be saved, although he was artificially kept alive for five long days.

The Testimony of the Older Sister and Arrest

An investigation was therefore opened, the mother she was listened to and told the investigators that she would take a pack of salt that her sister of 4 years had left available for her. But it is thanks to the testimony of this last child that the truth has appeared. The older sister told police that she had seen the mother give salt to the baby.

Mbadively under pressure, Kimberley tells the truth [VIDEO] claiming to have done all this to attract her husband's attention. The story is over in recent days and has been reported in the international press, including by Sun. The mother was sentenced to 30 years of imprisonment for her insane murderous act, while the other two girls, the aforementioned elder sister and the twin of the small victim, were placed with the family. # 39; home.

Murder by Parents

Unfortunately Crime News is full of episodes of this kind that unfold in familiar environments and lead to the worst crime that can exist in the world: murder of a child by the parent. Just recently, in the United States, another young mother [VIDEO] was convicted of an absurd tragedy: the woman, two years ago, killed her son because he had urinated on the sheets ] of the cradle. A natural physiological problem for a child of only two years but for the young would have been a provocation against him, as to make him lose his temper, take a strap and beat the Child until you leave him without life. The court sentenced him to 40 years in prison .

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