TAV, the race blocked by Toninelli


A few days ago Danilo Toninelli on Facebook issued a stern warning against the unspecified tops of the TAV, warning them not to issue permissions and to sign nothing until the government has evaluated the work. There was no specific reference to who was the recipient of the warning, but Toninelli apparently referred to the management of Telt, the Italian-French company in charge of the construction and management of Turin- Lyon, and urged them not to sign procedures for the launch of the international tender for the first contract of 2.3 billion megabytes for the beginning of the 57.5 base tunnel kilometers. La Stampa explains today:

On paper, the competition should have been banned at the end of July and in Turin, at the Telt headquarters, all the cards were, and remain, ready but the frames, including those appointed by the French, chose to keep the documentation in the drawer. This will be discussed in the coming months as suggested by institutional personalities and by many political forces, including Lega.

In recent days, the Minister of Infrastructure, Danilo Toninelli, recalls the government contract which provides "to completely re-discuss the" infrastructure in application of the agreement with France "and pending the # 39, cost-benefit badysis had launched the other aut: "No one should dare to sign anything for the progress of the work. We consider this a hostile act. "

  m5s tav

Up to now, as noted by members of the No Tav movement, public statements and social networks have not followed from formal acts to block the work, also because the league was set aside.The only thing that was done was not to reply to the letters from the Commissioner of Turin-Lyon:

So, in the absence of formal acts of the Italian government, the leaders of Telt have decided to make legitimate decisions but they can be read as forcing.A choice that, from their point of view, should not compromise the respect the costs and deadlines provided by the international agreement signed with France and the EU in 2015 even if the stop can not last more than a few months.

Telt summits, however, they have decided to give their point of view by responding to the attacks of the Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister of Infrastructure of the M5S .In the press release issued late afternoon Di Maio and Toninelli are never mentioned, but it is emphasized that "the current project is 2011" and "is made according to the most modern standards applied in the other six binoculars, recently completed or under construction along the "alpine arc". For Telt "every project act has been subjected to environmental controls: 5 impact badessments (via), 10 national and regional service conferences". And finally "no work has been the subject of a cost-benefit badysis so thorough: 7 socio-economic badessments (all with positive results), carried out over the years by various international subjects , two of which are ordered directly by the EU ".

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