Siparietto de vaudeville to the Chamber of Deputies where the President Roberto Fico becomes the "President Fica" for the "revenge" of a deputy. The decree of dignity was under discussion. "Please speak to the badistant Sestino Giacomini," said Fico, then asked to correct himself: "Giacomoni, Giacomoni, Giacomoni". And the word, indeed, pbaded to Sestino Giacomoni the forcing of the first hour who did not take the mistake very well, counter-attacking with some irony: "Thanks, President Fica, to have changed my name ". Inevitably, the general laughter, which was also attended by the two protagonists of the show. But that did not stop there. "It will remain in the annals" again commented the president of the room, leading Giacomoni to say that "something good also comes out of this room". "Di Forza Italia, however," stressed Fico, while Giacomoni replied: "Eh, we are consistent" .
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