Istat, Pil: The economy slows down. In the second quarter + 0.2%, up 1.1%


In the second quarter, Italian GDP, adjusted for calendar effects and seasonally adjusted, increased by 0.2%
previous quarter and 1.1% on an annual basis. This was announced by Istat, based on preliminary estimates. The dynamics of the economy
this results in a "slowdown", explained the Institute. In fact, in the first quarter, economic growth was even
0.3% in cyclical terms and 1.4% in annual rate. In particular, the quarterly increase is the lowest of the third
quarter of 2016.

Growth acquired for 2018 to 0.9%
The growth achieved for 2018, that which would be obtained if the cyclical dynamics of the GDP were zero in the rest
quarters of the year, equal to 0.9%.

16 quarters of expansion but -5.4% compared to peak 2008
The duration of the current phase of expansion of the Italian economy has continued since sixteen quarters, with overall growth
over the period of 4.5%. However, the level of GDP is 0.7% lower than the previous peak
in the second quarter of 2011 and 5.4% from the record high of the first quarter of 2008.

Nomisma: June covered by clouds
The slowdown marked by the Italian economy in the second quarter of 2018 (from 0.3 to 0.2%), as well as the decline of 49 thousand employees
in June, they highlight a cloud-covered June, said Lucio Poma, head of the scientific industry and innovation
from Nomisma. Worry – he explained – are especially declining GDP in terms of trends that drops to 1.1%
(compared to 1.4% in the previous quarter), and the decline of permanent employees who lose 83,000 units on an annual basis
from a growth of 394 thousand units of temporary workers. The year 2017 had given a new energy to the economic system
which has not been sufficiently exploited. For the moment – he concluded – there is no clear medium-term economic policy
manages to place our country vigorously in the international arena.

Cgia: serves the fiscal shock
With less GDP and rising unemployment there are no alternatives. To revive this country, a fiscal shock is necessary
and return to invest, stressed the coordinator of the Cgia studies office, Paolo Zabeo.

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