Bonus 104, 1900 euros. All requirements and documentation to present


For some time we have been talking about the bonus from 1900 euros for those who take advantage of the law 104. Now it seems to have come to a turning point and finally close to what is the beginning official. It must be said that all the holders of the law 104 can not ask the bonus of 1900 € . The single text confirmed that the establishment is in favor of those who badist a disabled parent and also introduces some burdens for family members, a new bonus of € 1900 reserved only for those who provide badistance to a member of the disabled family. with an age equal to or greater than 80 years in the third degree of kinship

The bonus from 1900 € p can be disbursed only by two methods or by a tax deduction for those who have an income Isee Null or less than 25 000 € per year. Or in the form of a monetary contribution that is paid by the INPS and lasts a year.

In the first case, however, in the form of a tax deduction, reduction of income tax equal to 19% of expenses will be determined. for badistance up to a maximum of 10,000 euros per year. The documentation required to pay the premium must be accompanied by the family status, which also includes the name of the dress and the ISEE

The application for premium will be presented to the parents of the person badisted who are required to present and retain the family status containing the client's name and Isee in addition to the spouse may also submit the same-bad civil union application not not actually cohabiting under law number 76 of 20 May 2016 family or similar in the second degree and still family members in the third degree according to the specified individual cases. However, all details and also details will be referred to Circular INPS c on all operating instructions.

Even those who benefit from Law 104 can be dismissed

Many speak of Law 104 but what do you know about this law? Basically, we can say that the law of 104 established in 1992 is a rule that regulates and protects the rights of persons with disabilities. is also the badistance of their loved ones. Section 3 of the same Act establishes that a person with a physical, psychological or sensory, stabilized or progressive disability is declared disabled or in difficulty of learning, relationship or professional insertion process of social disadvantage or marginalization. The law 104 is essentially required when the employee, whether private or public, badists a disabled person in a serious situation, or a parent, spouse, or the like 2nd degree. The benefits are numerous for the worker, as he has the right to benefit from 3 days of leave per month regularly paid, in the case of a parent or similar up to the 2nd degree, while in the case of the parents of the 3rd degree is possible to ask the law 104 if the parents of the handicapped person are already 65 years old or have disabling serious diseases or have died.

In cases where the worker badists more than one disabled parent, days off will not be accumulated and will therefore remain three. It is essentially a law devoted to badistance, to the integration and rights of persons with disabilities, aimed primarily at ensuring the full respect of human dignity. human rights and the rights to freedom and autonomy of the disabled person. . In addition, the law pursues the following objectives namely: – the functional and social recovery of the person affected by minorities; – prevention and elimination of disabling conditions that prevent the development of the human person; promote full integration into the family, school, work and society; – the preparation of interventions to overcome the states of marginalization and social exclusion of the handicapped person

As we had anticipated those who badist a disabled person can enjoy significant benefits and rights; It should be emphasized that there is no exclusion from the possibility of finding time to satisfy personal needs, which means that during the days off, the badistance will not Does not need to coincide with the working time. The worker who can use Law 104, can, therefore, decide to manage the time of the license as he wishes. What is often asked, and in light of the events in the news in recent years, or the denounced and dismissed workers, one wonders if it is possible to be fired using the law 104 The answer is yes, and this can happen in cases where the worker abuses license days although he stated that it is not mandatory that the worker spends time with the disabled parent on days off, it is also true that it can not carry out all activities in the greatest freedom. Indeed, during the days off, the worker can not travel abroad because, in these cases, he may be fired and he may be prosecuted for fraud against the worker. ;State.

Today, we return to the extraordinary leave recognized by law 104c it allows all those who need to help a disabled family member to be able to refrain from working without losing the right to pay. The special leave seems to be governed by the law 104 of 92 and, as we have already said, allows those who help a disabled family member to leave their job without losing the right to receive remuneration. Here is below all the news planned for the new year. According to the reports the INPS also for 2018 to pay the salary during the extraordinary leave for those who badist a disabled family member is the same National Institute of Providence. In addition, it appears that the amounts due to extraordinary leave claimants or badistance to a disabled family member were updated as of January 1, 2018. These changes are a consequence of the successful pension equalization calculated by the state that inevitably led to an incremental variation of 1.1%

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