Navigation to Livorno – Fire on a ship of Grimaldi Lines. No injuries | Italy


Pbadengers wearing lifejackets on Grimaldi Lines cruise ship Ausonia (photo from Twitter)

Pbadengers wearing lifejackets on Grimaldi Lines cruise ship Ausonia (photo from Twitter)

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Palermo – A fire broke out last night, shortly after 3 pm locomotives from the ship Ausonia, from Grimaldi Lines, sailing 24 miles from Ustica and direct from Palermo to Livorno. No consequences for the 262 pbadengers and 85 crew members, as well as for the cars, trailers, motorcycles and caravans that were in the cargo hold. The fire involved collectors leaving the ship with only one engine running out of three.

the Port Authority of Palermo as soon as he received the report, he had alerted the operational center of the coastguard of Rome. Reached by Coast Guard patrol officers from Palermo, who badumed the coordination of operations, by a unit of the fire department and from one tug left of Palermo, at about 5 am, the vessel reported the absence of and is heading to Palermo with a team of firefighters on board where it is expected to arrive in the early afternoon.

The operating theater of the Port Authority of Palermo also sent a message that, to help Cruise Ausonia, the Majestic motorboat, CNG, who was in transit in the area and also ordered the dispatch of a helicopter from the Air Force of the Coast Guard of Catania to monitor the ship.

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