Pope: the love of God and neighbor is inseparable



Avoid communities being "service stations" that "live many initiatives but few relationships" and "small business, in the full and Christian sense of the term". This is the warning issued by Pope Francis on Angelus Sunday in St. Peter's Square.

"The needs of others require some effective answers, but they ask for sharing first," recalls Bergoglio. The image used by the Holy Father for
Reinforcing one's thinking is that of the hungry who "does not only need a plate of soup, but also a smile to be heard and even a prayer." , maybe made together ". It is therefore not necessary to be attentive to the "urgencies" of the poorest brothers as to "their need for fraternal closeness, sense of life and tenderness".

The reference is to the "command of love". Love for God and love for others who, as Jesus teaches, are "inseparable, even more, they support each other". This is, says the Pontiff, "both sides of the same coin: living together, they are the true strength of the believer! Loving God, is living from him and for him, for this what he is and for what he does. "

For this reason, claiming to love one's neighbor without loving God or pretending to love God without loving one's neighbor would simply be "illusory". In fact, characterizing the disciple of Christ are "the two dimensions of love, for God and for the neighbor, in their unity". For this reason, concludes Bergoglio, "to love God, it is to invest every day our energies to be his collaborators who serve our neighbor without reserve, seek to forgive without limits and develop relations of communion and fraternity".

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