Bologna, more drugs and tours for those living near Marconi Airport


BOLOGNA – In the population most exposed to the noise produced by the airport Marconi In Bologna, drug use and the use of ENT visits and services are more important. The study conducted by the AUSL in collaboration with the Faculty of Statistics of the University says it well. The results were presented last night at a public meeting held in the Navile District Council Room.

The purpose of the survey was to identify the "health profile of the resident population near the airport," explained the director of the public health department of Ausl , Paolo Pandolfi, explaining the data. Ausl went "to see what happens in a small population exposed to noise compared to another less exposed population but with similar social, cultural, economic and contextual characteristics", in order to verify "s". there are some ". it's a difference in terms of health. "

The population under study concerns residents between January 1, 2013 and December 31, 2016 in two zones: one located in the 50 decibel "isofonic line" of the acoustic map produced by the Marconi (28,974 people involved); that located in the area defined by the acoustic zoning, from zone "C" limited to airport activities to zone "A" where there are also residential areas (13,422 persons involved). The population selected for comparison is that of the residents (same period) of San San Donato San Vitale district (about 80,000 people concerned).

The badyzes showed that the residents of the study area "have used more otorinilaringoiatric visits and performances.There is a greater consumption of this type of service compared to that of San Donato-San Vitale.more people who use drugs for disorders related to gastric acidity, antihypertensives, for diseases of the obstructive airways, sedatives-anxiolytics-antidepressants ".

For Pandolfi, another clarification to be made also concerns the fact that it is "a descriptive study, it is not a study badessing the causal link between the agent and the health link ", a subject on which Ausl already exists. sufficient scientific literature. In conclusion, "there is no urgency or special urgency", said the head of the health company, but "for us, it is very important that this is a point "for further study and especially to understand what" operational actions can help give a concrete answer ".

The "health survey" may be a starting point for opening up new avenues of work with the airport, said health advisor Giuliano Barigazzi. "Let's start with the theme not only of night flights, but also of the possibility of setting up a table with the airport on how certain sound attenuation measures can be applied on the school grounds and houses, starting with the nearest ones and monitoring the "effect." The investigation conducted by the AUSL should serve to "give strength to the path we have undertaken," says Navy President Daniele Ara. "The airport has commissioned a study to reverse the ratio of flights over the city and Calderara," added the president.

At the same time, "the city continues to escape epidemiological investigations," says Gianfilippo Giannetto, of the airport-city compatibility committee: for other airports in Italy, "has been realized", but we still do not want to do it for Bologna. "In fact," we already know that the airport is disturbing, "added another Committee representative, Paolo Serra." Steps must already be taken and we have been saying this for several years now " Serra continues.

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