With the carbohydrate diet lose about 1 kg per week and improve the functionality of your brain.
Over the years, many studies have shown that a diet based on carbohydrates helps you lose weight quickly and without going to the dreaded yo yo effect. This slimming diet It was designed in the United States and conquered the world in no time. Until now, in fact, we were told that eating carbohydrates was growing and that, by eliminating them from our menu, we would lose weight.
Today, however, we find that carbohydrates can help us lose weight, just take the good ones, ie. high content of resistant starch. These are foods that are very difficult to absorb and end up in the intestine, where they are then used for other functions. The results? the body badimilates very little food and so do not get fat, but the fat is burned.
Not only: starchy carbohydrates they are ideal for reducing appetite and increasing the feeling of satiety. This diet therefore stimulates the metabolism and burns the excess of adipose tissue, eliminating the hated fat cushions.
The regime dedicated to carbohydrate lovers lasts a month and is composed of a strict diet. During the first week, we must consume 4 meals a day for a total of 1200 calories, while in the next three weeks, caloric intake increases up to 1600 calories. During the first seven days, they can lose up to 3 kg, while in the following 1 kg per week.
How does the carbohydrate diet work? Each meal must have a food containing a resistant starch. For example, legumes, whole grains, chestnuts, raw bananas, cooked pasta and rice and allowed to cool before eating, rye bread and wholemeal bread.
These foods must be combined with foods containing fats and proteinslike salmon, eggs, chicken, apples, cheese and broccoli. The secret to making this diet even more effective is controlling portions and calculating quantities and calories consumed.
Finally, do you want one more reason to start this diet immediately? According to a study from the University of Sydney, published in the newspaper Cell reports Carbohydrates help protect the brain from dementia, slowing cell aging.
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