The tactical whiteboard: how much has the course of Genoa!


Piatek Genoa
Piatek dribbles his opponents (photo by Genoa CFC Tanopress)

The lantern is not master but it is more reddish than blucerchiata. The 117th Genoese derby ends in 1-1, a point that brings the two teams closer to three consecutive losses, but Genoa must certainly be recriminated. Juric's team seemed more willing and cheerful, only a resounding Audero avoided defeat, prolonging abstinence from rossoblù victories in the 10-game series, but sooner or later the taboo will be debunked. Remains the Griffin's performance, finally with sharp claws and a garra that looks a lot like the Gradinata Nord. It is now essential to find a continuity in the performances, even the results, to look for the 3 missing points from September 30: Frosinone-Genoa 1-2. But let's take a closer look at some of the aspects that have distinguished the Derby, especially the testimony of Mr. Juric's boys.

The rapid movements of rossoblù that crept into Sampdoria

Day after day, Genoa seems to badume a physiognomy more and more accurate based on the 3-5-2, no longer asymmetrical with Bessa to behave like a false tricycle, but more linear. The tactical imperatives are clear: tagging at the human scale, individual duels and aggressiveness, trying to put pressure on opponents. Against Sampdoria, we have admired the merits and defects of the Juric Genoa, to tell the truth, more merits than defects. So much offensive pressure, individual straving duels, but also the usual ditch on the stopped pieces, where the Griffin defends the region. The aggressiveness in the ball area of ​​the rossoblù destroyed the network of pbadages with which Sampdoria is used to place the action at the back. Rarely, we saw a team of Giampaolo also struggling to start the action, a suffering that was revealed even in the positioning of the defensive line, often taken by a struggling genoani. We see in the pictures below some movements of Genoa in the phase of non-possession of the balloon and attack of the depth.

Figure 1. Pressure in the ball area.

Man on man, bringing many players into the ball area to narrow the field and make the most of the game of Sampdoria players. If the blucerchiata maneuver never took off, the credit is largely attributable to the offensive pressures exerted by Genoa. Some kind of "preventive defense" started in the opposing half. In the picture above, you can see the number of Genoa players present in the play area. Bessa forces Tonelli to download scientifically on Bereszynski, immediately pressed by Lazovic. But almost all Sampdoria players have an opponent of a few meters, difficult for men Giampaolo to find the usual geometries.

Figure 2. Depth attachment

Genoa makes rapid verticalization its most effective weapon. In the derby too, it was like this, with Piatek and Kouamè, to take the rear guard of blownchiage. To be effective, the Samp 4 line must follow some automatisms, always trying to move with synchronized movements. A team that makes high defense and offside its main features can not do otherwise, must be ordered and synchronized to the second, but against the Genoa often the offside trap is not triggered even in several situations, Genoa managed to attack the depth. The most striking example is given by the action that resulted in the draw of Genoa, Piatek having to be well placed behind Andersen, thus benefiting from a misreading of the defense of the Dorian during the discovered ball phase.

Figure 3. Zone Defense Limits

Genoa prefers individual markings in maneuvered actions, but in standing football situations adopts zone marking. The goal of the Sampdoria advantage came from a double Ramirez / Bereszynski exchange after a corner kick. The double exchange served to lose references to the back rossoblù, which is not surprising if Quagliarella has plugged his head almost without moving. On these gaming situations, Genoa still needs to improve considering the impact of inactive balloons in modern football.

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