Thirteenth 2018 public and private employees: calculation and when it arrives


Thirteenth 2018 public and private employees: calculation and when it arrives

The thirteenth month that in jargon takes the name of thirteenth o Christmas bonus, it is paid to employees in the public and private sectors, as well as retirees, in December. However, while public sector employees and retirees collect it with their salary or pension, this is not always the case for private sector employees. That said, the period during which you will receive the thirteenth is established on the basis of the national reference contract of each category.

Thirteenth employee: the private sector

Therefore, given the generality of the CCNL, the 13th in the private sector is usually paid on December 24th. In fact, despite the payment of the thirteenth monthly payment at the discretion of the private sector employer, the law belongs to the worker during the Christmas holidays.

As Christmas Eve is the last useful day in this sense, it is clear that this day is traditionally chosen as a day corresponding to the thirteenth day. Therefore, it should be noted that if the worker does not receive it by that date, he can send a reminder to his employer.

Thirteenth employee: the public sector

With regard to the public sector, however, specific legal provisions indicate when the 13th should be paid to workers in different sectors. In any case, as we have said, for civil servants, the salary in December and the thirteenth must be paid with the same coupon. That said, the thirteenth for the state comes on December 16 beyond a few exceptions.

They are composed of primary and childhood teachers who receive it on 14 December and staff from local Treasury offices with a permanent role, whose appointment is scheduled for 15 December. If these dates fall on a holiday or a non-working day, payment is made on the first working day before.



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