Di Maio: 100 quota and citizenship income do not slip from March


No slip for citizenship incomeand 100 quota. Deputy Prime Minister Luigi Di Maio confirms this, adding that the measures would begin in March, the government waiting for the technical reports on the two essential provisions of the finance law, "said a decision and to those who ask him that MEF's badessments have already arrived on the impact of the maneuver: "We are still in an interlocutory phase with European Union – he replies – I'm talking about political and non-technical commitments.

"The way of prohibition of cumulation is difficult to pursue," however, meanwhile in the meantime the president of the INPS, Tito Boeriat pension conferences in Milan organized by Bocconi University and Deutsche Bank to discuss the expected changes in pensions. "We are discussing more and more – added Boeri – to introduce discouraging forms of retirement, such as the prohibition to accumulate pension and other income for 5 years." This solution poses a series of problems and is very difficult to implement. "

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With the "quota 100", you can retire from age 62 with 38 years of contributions. Sixty-two plus 38 are 100. Those who are 63 years old should still have 38 years of contributions, and increase to 101 years. And so on as the age increases. The prohibition of cumulating labor income would discourage early retirement. But, according to the president of the INPS, the application would be difficult. "Above all," explained Boeri, "it is difficult to reconcile the prohibition of cumulation with the narrative with which we justified this decline, this counter-reform of pensions or the need to free jobs for young people". "If you want to convince someone – he concluded – to go out first, it is safe to badume that he should give him the chance to have something else." It is possible that those who go out will go to work black and stop contributing, which would of course be the worst result. "

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The attachment to wealth

27 November 2018 (Amendment 27 November 2018 | 18:22)


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