Italians are less inclined to invest


In ten years, I bank deposits they doubled to reach 21,000 euros on average per capita, with differences from city to city. The figures are those developed by Ani and Banca di Italia, then reworked by Sole 24 hours between 2008 and 2018, a decade.

The sum of 21,000 euros concerns all forms of deposit: those of a fixed term, on demand, day-to-day, refundable with notice, savings bonds, certificates of deposit and current accounts. And that's right on current accounts this remains the largest part of the liquidity of the Italians. Obviously, the numbers are different from one city to another. Thus, in Milan, the percentage change in bank deposits over ten years was 99%, 87% in Rome with peaks in Treviso of 237%, Aosta at 120%, Verona at 130%, Piacenza at 116% and Ancona 100%.

According to the data, today there are nearly 1,200 billion euros in the bank, more than 75% in ten years. A signal that shows how Italians today prefer to keep money in reserve rather than invest it, which is also the result of the disappointing collection of the last BTP Italy which recorded only the minimum of 863 million euros. euros. Finally, the share of cash in circulation remains very high, even a sharp increase, even by 82% compared to 2008.

As Il Sole writes, repayments from banks were also fueled by deposits. bank bonds.

The most attentive eye of the regulators, badociated with the difficulty faced by many banks to issue new bonds at a critical stage for the market. Italian creditin ten years, the amount of these instruments has been increased from almost a thousand to a little more than 300 billion euros.

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