Cars: Csp in government, bonus and discount on purchase and disposal – Industry


A bonus proposal of two thousand euros, plus a two thousand euro discount, to all those who, in 2019, will buy a new car and will scrap a used car for ten years. All this, with an increase in tax revenues and a positive impact on GDP growth. This is the proposal of new incentives for demolition, presented to the current government by the Centro Studi Promotor and at the center of the press conference held today in Milan on the theme "The situation and prospects of the city". Italian economy and the automotive market ".

The Centro Studi Promotor's proposal is built on the basis of the first scrappage incentives that came into force in 1997 and "which have achieved excellent results at no cost to the state, as rising revenues from VAT and registration taxes on cars sold at more than one, fully covered the cost of payment of the premium "and let the income to a greater net income of 1 400 billion lire ( EUR 723 million). "To achieve these goals – said Gian Primo Quagliano, president of Centro Studi Promotor – it is necessary that any incentive measure be well designed, providing a significant incentive, but whose cost to the state is entirely recovered with the highest VAT receipts, additional sales.

This would be a measure similar to the first demolition incentives developed with the support of Promoter Centro Studi and approved at the end of 1996, after a severe crisis in car sales over four years. "According to the predictions of the same Centro Studi.Gender, if the proposal for 2019 was accepted, the recovery of the bonus attributed to the state (2 000 euros) would be largely guaranteed, knowing that today, according to Unrae, the average price of acquiring a car is 21.020 euros, of which 3.790 is VAT.

"Our proposal – added Quagliano – is not motivated by the need to support car sales because the car market, even though it has not yet reached the physiological level, is in good health, our proposal is motivated by the need to support drivers, often low-income, who own a car with more than ten years of seniority and who need to replace it to avoid traffic restrictions imposed for environmental reasons ". "To achieve these goals – said Gian Primo Quagliano, president of Centro Studi Promotor – it is necessary that any incentive measure be well designed, providing a significant incentive, but whose cost to the state is entirely recovered with the highest VAT receipts, additional sales.

This would be a measure similar to the first demolition incentives developed with the support of Promoter Centro Studi and approved at the end of 1996, after a severe crisis in car sales over four years. "According to the predictions of the same Centro Studi.Gender, if the proposal for 2019 was accepted, the recovery of the bonus attributed to the state (2 000 euros) would be largely guaranteed, knowing that today, according to Unrae, the average price of acquiring a car is 21.020 euros, of which 3.790 is VAT.

"Our proposal – added Quagliano – is not motivated by the need to support car sales because the car market, even though it has not yet reached the physiological level, is in good health, our proposal is motivated by the need to support drivers, often low-income, who own a car with more than ten years of seniority and who need to replace it to avoid traffic restrictions imposed for environmental reasons ".

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