How olive oil is made: from harvesting olives to oil mill


Many families with boys and girls gathered on Calle dei Velini in Macerata, in the olive groves of the Macerata Parish Recreation Center, to attend a free educational event open to all citizens. and organized by the non-profit badociation "Genitori & Figli". "by hand" and by the parents group of the recreation center of the parish of the Immaculate Conception of Macerata.This event intended to enhance the territory, its fruits and traditions and to show another symbol of the markets. autumn: olives, their collection and transformation into oil.

In the little olive grove, the children have harvested the last remaining olives of this harvest season, according to the farmers, and near the mills, early and now finished. The children's expressions were amusing when they tasted the raw olive and their audacity and tenacity to help collect all the olives. It was a sensory experience for the little ones and a real race for the older ones. For the snack and to give strength to this "work", all the children ate tastefully the bruschetta and the oil bread "made by them" last year.

At dusk, everyone went to the Taccari mill, nearby, to witness the processing of the olives harvested and brought by them. Small scientists have seen the whole process of creating olive oil – from harvesting to processing. Some were impressed by the machines they 've seen and others have already booked for next year.

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