MILANO – Lo spread between the construction industry and the German Bund, it closed slightly above 290 points following the government summit confirming its intention to revise the maneuver to avoid European sanctions, even if the concrete corrections to be made n & # Have not yet been identified. The most viable path is to increase coverage and postpone key provisions, such as citizenship income and quota 100, to mitigate the financial impact on 2019. For Commissioner Pierre Moscovici, " the door to Italy is always ". "Open" and "shared" solutions are better than sanctions, while for Vice Chairman Luigi Di Maio, "sales will remain unchanged." The ten-year construction performance is 3.3%.

the Treasury took advantage of the recent easing and placed Ctz at 2.5 months for 24 billion euros, with a yield down 63 basis points to 0.995% over the previous auction (October 26 last). The maximum amount offered and awarded amounted to 2.5 billion euros, against a request of 3.9 billion euros. The Treasury then allocated one billion, the maximum supply, of BTP for a five-year term (expiring May 15, 2023) with a gross yield of 1.45%, up 0.9% in this case. . Demand rose to 1.65 billion for a coverage ratio of 1.65.

Stock prices are coming back from the start of the week, with notably Piazza Affari as proof of the bank's recovery, but they are turning to weakness today: kite he refused in the middle of the day to give the last 0.43%. The others are also weak: London loses 0.27%, Paris 0.24% e Frankfort 0.4%. Also a Wall Street weakness prevails: Dow sells 0.3% and Nasdaq loses 0.1% and Apple in trouble for fear of iPhone sales.

General weaknesses that the agency Bloomberg recalls the threat of Donald Trump on possible tariff increases in China, which raise fears of an escalation of the trade war that seemed dormant. While waiting for the face to face with Xi Jinping at the G20's Argentine weekend, Trump has been talking with Wall Street Journal without ruling out the fact that Chinese export tariffs to the United States can be implemented, which has not yet been integrated into the already increased tariff network, which concerns 200 billion yuan. imports from Asia. A sword of Damocles suspended at the negotiations between the two commercial diplomats, always failed.


League ready to cut pension funds but M5S revenues do not bring in


this controversial this has only been partially reflected in the Asian session, in its second part. Tokyo up 0.64% and Seoul 0.79% while Hong Kong ends down (-0.17%) e shangai marks a low end (-0.04%). Last night Wall Street strong rise with the Dow Jones at + 1.46% and Nasdaq up 2.06%: good Gm for having announced a plan to reduce staff and blood expenses, which obviously reduces costs and, on the contrary, rebadures shareholders, and Amazon on Cyber ​​Monday.

The barometer of the quotes of the oil returns to the clear afternoon market: in the US, WTI climbs 0.7% to $ 52 a barrel and Brent 0.8% to $ 61 a barrel. gold little upset towards the end of the session: spot metal earned 0.35% to $ 1,218 an ounce.


Deflated muscles


On the currency, theeuro / dollar it goes back below $ 1.13, on November 14th levels, to 1,121 (1,1328 in the beginning and 1,1337 yesterday) while the euro / yen is at 128,457 and the dollar / yen at 113,766. In Italy, consumer and business confidence is a new negative sign. It reflects consumer confidence after France has seen a decline in lows since November 2015 due to the mood of the cores. In the United States, real estate prices in the 20 largest cities of the country grew by 5.1% per year in September (Case-Shiller Index), while Conference Board Consumer Confidence in November disappointed the estimates with 135.7 points. In China, the slowdown in corporate profits has raised new concerns about the achievement of growth targets: in September, + 3.6% compared to 2017, the pace of minimal expansion observed since March.

in reproduction ….

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