Decree security, confidence in the House: 336 yes and zero dissent. Festa della Lega: "We vote with anger and pride"


Zero dissident, zero doubt, zero stomach ache, at least in appearance. the Security decree it becomes pbading law like a train in the House, because the convoy has fallen. In Montecitorio, with the armor of confidence pbades the first right salvinien thoroughbred: residence permit for humanitarian reasons, migrants up to 6 months in the centers of stay, Taser to the traffic police, more serious expulsions, increased powers of the mayors with the "ethnic shops" (here all the main measures). This is probably the most identity law of the League. Above is also the seal of the five-star symbol: the pact is in reinforced concrete, in the name of the government contract, and even more, swears in court Federica Dieni, the text has also been improved. The orthodox wing is perhaps there but we do not see it: 336 favorable, no abstention, no one comes out of the room, the absentees quite casual, no De Falco who "does not deviate not to the princes ". The Minister of the Interior Matteo Salvini he enjoys glory in the hall. In a photo, he seems to welcome – as in a hug, as the prophet – the Northern League in fibrillation for what is about to happen, Minister Fontana, among others. Inebrié, with the distant M5 ministers, the Deputy Prime Minister recalls the fist of the colleague of Transport and gigioneggia: "Sobriety boys, sobriety – recommend him to him in a stolen fragment of Where do we go to the balcony? ". It is the day the wish is granted, the essential of a policy line that has never failed has been realized. Mother Society Riccardo Molinari raise the voice, serving the specific weight of those moments that seem innocuous but are the first jackpot of the next 6 months, those before European. "We are voting with anger and pride," Molinari cries.

I wonder if the quote from this book is voluntary or not with which Oriana Fallaci he reacted to the Islamic terrorism of the Twin Towers, certainly the squadron leader of the Northern League collaborators, the breviary of the sovereign words: "Our country will become our home again and not a no man's land" . The current president Mara Carfagna he must wait a few more moments at the end of the intervention because his colleagues celebrate it with an extension standing applause. It's enthusiasm, perhaps Minister Toninelli. The approval that will allow the Northern League to forget the history of the 49 million, the burden of the trial in Belsito, the involvement of the captain in these disappeared money events, private papers and stamps, judges and lawyers. All deleted. The decree on security and migrants "brings tranquility, order, rules and serenity in the Italian cities," said the Minister of the Interior at a press conference organized while the l & # 39; call of the deputies was there, well before President Roberto Fico read the result, almost without tone. "I put immigration interventions in the last place because there is so much more: an organic intervention it starts from the antimafiaAssured Salvini, they had misunderstood his list of priorities on social networks and squares.

Video of Alberto Sofia

To vote for the trust given to the security decree, all the M5 and League members, the absent ones, had to be random. However Brothers of Italy and Forza Italia they vote against just because there is trust. "We would like to cooperate – bading tricolor Fabio Rampelli – but too often our amendments are rejected. "" This decree – he says Giorgio Silli, Vibrant Blues Safety Manager – Traces largelyThat's not all. That's what we think of immigration and security, and we largely follow the joint programs of the center-right government, in municipalities, regions and provinces, where Forza Italia is naturally allied with the League. "We vote with confidence this confidence," he says. Federica Dieni on behalf of the M5. On the other hand, there is no no reason not to do it: our government has managed to do in 5 months what its detractors have not done in 5 years. "This is not a counterpart, no: if something" is a sign of loyalty to citizens. " To listen, there is also the political leader, the vice president Luigi Di Maio.

They listen but they do not talk anymore the 19 deputies from the letter to the parent company Francesco D & Uva"Some parts of the decree do not appear in the contract," they said. Even the last call of the congregation was consumed in silence Valentina Corneli, a parliamentarian who had expressed until yesterday the perplexity on two articles of the decree (1 and 12) which together could "determine a risk, in connection with the deterioration of the security of immigrants on the territory". These are the same articles on which the Chairman of the Committee on Constitutional Affairs had successively expressed perplexity. Giuseppe Brescia. The perplexities are outdated, he explained yesterday, while stressing that he points out that "the decree system regulates whether the number of arrivals is confirmed by the figures recorded this year, if the deadlines of territorial commissions are shortened and if ". repatriations Si, si, si. But the voice of Gregorio De Falcowho in the Senate had spoken of "serious injury to the legal order and the security of citizens "is only a memory. By far that of Paola Nugnes Yesterday, we asked: "What would we have said and done yesterday in front of a technically erroneous, humanly devastating and unconstitutional prejudicial provision? On which roofs signalerions we? "Many of them hoped that in reality the changes were more and more important, but there was no more time: the expiry of the decree was set for December 3, Salvini had made it clear that this law was almost more than the maneuver, he had even let slip that without this decree "to jump everything." At the first moment the government contract received some parliamentary fragility (From Falco and his votes citing "Back to the Future", then the minicicciolo lit under the secret vote of the anti-corruption war, the warning bell of the League), the majority of the change is stronger in number than in confidence mutual. For that, it will be necessary to wait for the European elections, the electoral campaign which will be there before and the roads which will open later.

All oppositions speak of exchange, meanwhile: the Security decree in exchange for the ddl Antisecurity but this remains to correct after this omelet on the rack which also concerns and especially the parent company of "our land". On the other hand, the minorities speak mainly with the former president of the chamber, Laura Boldriniwho took care of refugees throughout his life prior to that of Montecitorio: "This decree – says in the name of a party that no longer even exists, Free and equal – not for security but only for the government propaganda. The government is a master in the create fears addressing towards migrants, towards their presence. "On the contrary, he adds," the fight you are actually leading against integration and your decree is not another irregular factory. Because you are aiming for chaos, not security. Because if the situation was well managed, the main theme on which your consent was based would be lost. " Emanuele FianoOn the other hand, he focuses more on political polemics, he even draws the father of Di Maio, causing the majority: "It is better that the League grant an amnesty for the construction of Cinquestelle rather than lose a tax amnesty tomorrow Even if you grant a "savings void" to those who were convicted yesterday on appeal of the repayment of 49 million euros Italians that the sentence says "you have been unduly arrested". "For Fiano with this decree"the rights are trampled of people. "It remains to be understood to which party belonged the senators who challenged the decree ten days ago, because it will bring"more illegal immigrants", Evidence that Salvini had already won well before the vote of Montecitorio, on the vocabulary and also much on the setting program.Outside the Parliament, a procession goes from Piazza San Silvestro to Piazza Montecitorio." Those of Baobab and other friends, "teases the Interior Minister on Twitter.The banner in the head says," When injustice becomes law, disobey it's a must". It's a square voice, but hardly anyone hears it inside the building.

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