J-Ax: "I was hoping for the 5 stars, but it's an ultra-straight government"


"The Italian political situation worries me a lot because this government should not be right or left, but behaves, or rather proclaims, as a far-right government of 50 years". J-Ax has never had too much trouble expressing his opinions. In songs, in interviews, on social media. And this time too, he does not hold back. At the meeting at Corriere TV but also and especially with "Tips for myself – my two cents", his new book published today for Mondadori. Politics is often avoided by artists, who fear that it will compromise to expose and take a stand. But this is not his case.

What is the right, what is the left

"I have a lot of values ​​that we can define on the left, but also a lot of ideas that could define the right for those left – explains Ax, who likes to define himself as" libertarians "- For example, I am for the liberalization of arms and light drugs, two things in conflict with the membership of traditional categories.In reality, the conflict between the right and the left is only 39 years old. a mirror, a way to keep people away from the real problems, today's confrontation must be between progressive and conservative, and many conservatives are also hidden to the left. " left that, in his opinion, should completely change skin and think that "what people want, it's happiness and want it to be now, not in twenty years." Otherwise, the same People will punish you: "I said well in advance that Trump would win the elections, I knew it because I "I was in the heart of America, not in New York or Los Angeles, where the middle clbad was angry, he felt for 30 years kicking in the bad. For that, even knowing who Trump was, many wanted to give a signal, the only thing they wanted was to throw a grenade into the White House. As long as the left will not take care of the happiness of the Italians, it will only help its adversaries ".

The disappointed hope

He never hid, J-Ax, that he believed in the Five Star Movement and that he was disappointed with the outcome of the elections and the absence of a homogeneous majority . "I supported them because I believed in the idea they had left, but today I can not accept the union with the League, they are two worlds too far away." The League was created to create an emergency who is not there, to find a scapegoat, a common enemy to reunite the consensus.These are two visions inaccessible but which were placed in the same container to govern, and this to the detriment of the Five Stars Movement ".

Omofobi and surroundings

Some of his "2 cents" – a title that recalls the unsolicited opinions of Ken Brockman, the Simpsons presenter, one of his pbadions – are devoted to the news, from the liberalization of light drugs to badual freedom. The fight against homophobia sees him particularly involved. They make him angry "for those who spend their lives making others unhappy". "I can not understand – he points out – how a person can arrogate the right to establish what is right or wrong and to think about interfering with the privacy and happiness of people, to establish what homobaduals can do or not do.The worst are those who say that homobaduals are fine but that the family is only between a man or a woman: they are worse the neo-Nazis who at least openly proclaim homophobes. "And he returns to his idea of ​​libertarian:" It was for me that homobaduals could marry, have children and stay armed in a bunker worshiping Satan "

November 27, 2018 | 6:05 p.m.


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