Di Maio's anger against his father: "You lied to me, now how can I do it?"


ROME The great fear. Never before have the 5-star summits shivered: "It's up to Luigi-mormorant to decide on the upper floors – we're screwed." Plans B are studied and an eye on the facebook page of Alessandro Di Battista. What seemed to be a marginal affair, one of the many complaints of "Hyenas", takes the proportions of an avalanche. The tense faces of the transatlantic peons echo the livid Luigi Di Maio. What happens and disappears immediately. He has just finished arguing with his father Antonio. His anger shouted at him: "You lied to me.You said that it was an isolated case and that there are four in black Meme it You made me do this figure in front of everyone, and now, how do I do it? "
Appropriate question. Matteo Salvini, who yesterday in the House had apparently defended Di Maio, poses at that time: "It's a dynamic that I do not know.When you talk about privacy for political controversy, I think it's The reasoning went however in another direction: "If there were errors, everyone will answer".

Were there any errors? And who made them? Only the father Di Maio or even the son? Questions that are asked by many in the Movement. Because too many things do not come back in the reconstructions these days. And while it is true that fathers' mistakes can not and should not fall on their children, it is also true that many children have fallen just to try to save their parents.

The anomalies
The first anomaly is the presence of Luigi Di Maio in the company Ardima Srl, inherited from the managing father and the mother owner, Paolina Esposito, in 2012. She found herself in the future vicepremier, owner of 50% of the shares , with his sister. Rosalba. To handle everything, the third brother, Giuseppe. A family mosaic resolutely entangled. Many MPs did not even know that Di Maio was a partner of the company. Undeclared right in official programs. "Many of us – a parliamentarian thinks of the second term – have abandoned businesses and jobs to avoid conflicts of interest." He did not work there, agreeing but it might be best to get rid of it in time. "Also because Di Maio is not an ordinary parliamentarian: he is the Minister of Labor. For example, the Labor Inspectorate, which may have to intervene on the company it owns, depends on it. Conflict of potential interest. At the head of the Movement leader who has been fighting for years, he is fighting against conflicts of interest.
But this is not the only doubt. The most important suspicion that arises at one point is that Di Maio worked in black at his father's house and then at his company. Only a hint, advanced by the "hyenas". Because in the evening, Di Maio introduces himself to "Di Martedì" and explains: "I worked little and regularly with my father, I will show all the papers."

The questions
But the questions remain. Why, they wonder in the Movement, the father and the mother decide to give the society as an inheritance to the children? Parental generosity or something else? And how does Luigi Di Maio ignore that a lawsuit is going on? Not vain questions, which for the moment have no answer.
The Deputy Prime Minister yesterday received members of the Movement and told them: "I can not pay for my father's faults, for stories that are ten years old, and I did not know anything about it. did I have to do with this story? "With the father no longer talking after the fight. "Having a family is the problem," says a member from Campania.
In Parliament they are all with him for the moment. "Ridiculous accusations," said group leader, Francesco D & Uva. "But how do they compare to Boschi," says Alessio Villarosa. But the bad mood is moving forward. And his people are looking for a strategy: they go on television and defend themselves. Quite simply?


November 28, 2018 | 7:06


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